Chapter 15

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A/N - Violence, character death


Vic sat next to Rek in Gyrtek's office, with Alia next to Rek. They had just explained their different versions of the botched events when they were rescuing the prisoners. It made Vic's shoulder throb just thinking about it.

"It sounds like a pretty standard insertion; I know a lot of teams use that tactic to surprise the enemy," Gyrtek stated. "Your brother did the same when they took the ship."

"That is what we thought, sir!" Rek agreed glumly.

"There is one thing that you didn't think about though. Normally, when we are dropping in like slavers like that, they're more worried about patrols on horseback or soldiers, so they're surprised when you arrive through the air. It doesn't hurt that in most cases, there are no slavers left to tell tales of how we do that, so they're unprepared in the future. However, the camp you were dropping into was waiting on a flying ship, so they were looking up. They must have seen you while you were dropping and were able to react."

Vic hung her head at the simplicity of their mistake, how had they not thought about that? Rek put her hand on her shoulder, thankfully the one on the right that wasn't sore, and squeezed gently.

"Alia, that was impressive work helping out our team, I'm glad you were selected for this mission," Gyrtek continued.

"Oh, I volunteered!" Alia answered brightly. "When I was young, I was rescued by Bishops in a similar situation, and I've always wanted to help out in return."

Gyrtek blinked at that information, and Rek and Vic stared at her with open moths in shock. They hadn't known that at all!

"That is good to know," Gyrtek rumbled in his deep bass, "The next time there is a mission like that, we'll request you. But, as much as I appreciate the help, no more borrowing healing salves without permission."

"I didn't sir, I make my own," Alia answered, her voice still light and bright. "I usually have a few with me, just in case."

"Can you teach me?" Vic asked, astonished once more. "I'd like to be safer as well!"

"Of course! It would be my pleasure."

"In that case, you're all dismissed," Gyrtek said with a smile. "Vic, Rek, come back tomorrow, we'll probably have something for you."

"Yes sir!" they said in unison and headed out of the office.

"You two want a lift back to the tower? Or do you have other plans?" Alia asked, heading towards Maltia who was curled up and asleep in the courtyard. If not for the feathers and the size, she would have looked like a little flying kitten.

"The only plan I have is food!" Rek said with a hand on her stomach.

"Please, we'd love the ride, thank you." Vic said as she and Alia giggled at Rek.

The first night in the citadel had been quite the experience. Serev had slept in a gigantic bed with Flewin, and then Carys was sandwiched between them. None of them really knew what was happening in their life, so it felt more comfortable to be together and it lent an air of safety. Tad slept nearby on a divan, to give them a bit of privacy and yet that way nobody was alone. The arrangement seemed to have worked for the first night, though they were still getting settled in, so Serev was sure they would find a pattern that worked.

Carys had taken full advantage of the pull rope to summon the pages, to the point that they were having to apologize several times when she just wanted to say hi. Of course, she also had managed to get them some breakfast, for which they had all been eternally grateful. It was still hard to get used to the food, she hadn't eaten this well ever, even before she had set out on campaigns, and she doubted Flewin had either. Perhaps Tad did with his wealthier father, or Carys since she lived here, but they certainly were eating with enough gusto that she had her doubts.

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