Chapter 7

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The Duchy of Southglade was based around the city of the same name, tucked away in the southwest corner of Marendia. The city itself was built near the ruins of one of the three elven cities that had fallen in the goblin invasion many thousands of years ago. The city had been the last to fall, as it was the furthest from the invasion point the goblins had used, and as such it was the least damaged during the fighting as most of the elves had evacuated it before the goblins arrived.

That was also part of their problem however, as the goblins took over those ruins and set up their lairs. Over the centuries since the country had been repopulated, countless battles had beat back the goblins to little warrens under the ruins where they were almost impossible to root out. Similar situations had happened in the other cities of Marendia, but the lack of elven opposition when the goblins moved into Southglade made their situation the worst.

For Fehrys, Luce and Torple to get to Southglade, they had to fly over the eastern rim of the Rift Mountains, which meant flying much higher than they had before. The peaks were glorious with the sun rising behind them and making the snow sparkle with the reflected light. All three of them kept their eyes peeled for danger, as there were creatures in the mountains that could threaten their passage. While they did see a few shapes wheeling in the distance, nothing came close enough for them to even identify what they were, and well before lunch they were descending into the Duchy.

Torple pulled out a map and started to orient themselves to the unfamiliar terrain. "That is the trade road!" he called out over his shoulder, pointing down at the ground. "If we follow that south it should take us right to the city."

Fehrys and Luce followed his arm and noticed a dirt road heading parallel to the mountains. It didn't look nearly as nice as the cobblestone roads in Vyscher, but it was probably better than nothing. "How long?" Luce asked him over the flapping wings of Alina.

"Not too much longer. If we're lucky we can get there for a late lunch and get the lay of the land before dark," Torple assured them with a smile.

They flew south, passing over a few small hamlets and farms, most of which looked deserted, before seeing a large river with a solid stone bridge over it. Torple suddenly pulled back on Alina's reins to pull her higher. "Sorry, archers on the bridge! Just keeping out of range!"

"Whose archers?" Fehrys asked, concerned.

"I have no idea, but it was better to assume the worst!" Torple reasoned.

"Absolutely," Luce agreed. "Does anyone even know we're coming here to help?"

Silence was the only answer.

"Gyrtek didn't mention anything about that. Did you hear anything?" Fehrys asked Torple.

"I'm afraid not, I don't know if they're expecting us or not."

"Well, we'll see what kind of reception we get, but it doesn't change our assignment," Fehrys reasoned.

It didn't take too much longer before they came to the walled city of Southglade. Torple circled Alina a few times, and they could see several guards pointing and scurrying in alarm. If they had to guess, this was not a planned visit.

"Land outside the gates, we'll let them come to us," Fehrys instructed.

"Seems like the best bet," Torple agreed.

"At least they're not firing arrows," Luce noticed. "That is a positive."

"We might as well dismount and look friendly," Fehrys suggested. "But keep your weapons handy just in case."

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