Chapter 18

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Fehrys was finally able to sit propped up in bed with pillows behind him while his brother and some of the magisters questioned him. Of course, it was only because Alia had been kind enough to cast the lightness spell and carefully lift him into position that he was able to, but he wasn't telling them that. He felt bad for her, as she most certainly needed sleep after the all-day mission to rescue him plus the interrupted sleep of the intruder from the previous night, but she kept by his side helping to answer some of the questions.

"We never saw the ogres, nor the giant, before they fired. Once minute Luce and I were getting ready to jump, and the next I was floating, and they were falling," he explained about the original attack in a detached voice.

"And when you landed?" Jondure asked.

"When I landed, I knew they were dead, I saw what happened to them as I was floating. At that point I just wanted to kill them all, so I did."

"You took a lot of wounds."

"Yes, I had expected to die," he stated flatly.

"So, who healed you before Alia arrived?" Jondure asked, with a note of curiosity.

"I don't know, I was a bit out of it. I don't really remember anything clearly," Fehrys said haltingly. He had a fleeting image of the red eyed woman again but had no idea what that meant. Had she spoken to him? He started to breathe faster and coughed harshly causing his whole body to cry out in agony.

Relax, you're all right. Be calm. You're here and safe and you have friends to support you.

Alia was back in his mind; he had no doubt she was trying to make sure he wasn't pushing himself too hard and undoing all the healing that had been done.

I know and thank you. I really wasn't looking forward to this. He thought to her. Or rather he thought, and she just understood. He still didn't understand how she did that. All I really want is a bath.

"I really don't think he can answer much more about what happened on that hill," Alia interrupted for him. "I've questioned him as well and examined the hill while I was there. He may remember more in the future, but the shock is still too new for his mind to unravel and digest everything."

Fehrys noticed that one of the two magisters sneered while the other huffed at her statement. He wondered why she wasn't liked by them. Was it because she was a Sky Knight? He thought she was doing a lot more for the city than most magisters ever did. He most certainly owed her his life, twice over now. Maybe he would be a Sky Knight now, with no partner any more he couldn't be a Bishop he thought sadly. Tears leaked from his eyes as he remembered Luce once more.

Your future is open, you still have many great things you can do for Vyscher. Don't despair! He heard Alia project to him.

"All right, fine, why don't you tell us about last night then?" Jondure said turning to Alia.

"Fine!" she said with a sweet smile that Fehrys could tell hid the steel of her power. "Last night I was assigned to watching the prince to make sure he was healthy. At some point in the middle of the night, a creature entered through the balcony doors. I was in a trance and monitoring the prince, so I didn't hear it." Fehrys noticed the eye rolls of the mages again and really wished he were healthy enough to punch them. "He tends to attract flying cats when he sleeps," she glanced at him with a softer smile, "and they noticed the intruder first. Their hissing alerted me to the issue, and I noticed that whatever it was had magical abilities, it was using some sort of shadowy ropes to bind Prince Fehrys."

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