Chapter 6

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When training returned after the unscheduled break, it was much calmer. No longer were they raw recruits, but now were almost ready to be put out into the field. Instead of basic training, they were now trying to recreate actual scenarios that previous Bishops had gone through to try and learn what a real-world mission could be like. They practiced infiltrating goblin caves, dropping down into slavers camps, and even sneaking through enemy lines to steal invasion plans. In all cases, they had to work in unison, protecting their partners and relying on their skills to supplement their own.

It was everything Fehrys had hoped. He and Luce were working together as if their minds were linked, anticipating each other's movements and supporting them when they needed it. He had no doubt they were going to work very well together in the future.

The only irritating thing to happen over the last part of the training, was that Vic and Rek were even better. He didn't understand exactly what had come over them at the break, but they were faster in almost every drill. It was like they were of one body, and mind, no talking just pure action. As an unbiased observer, he was incredibly impressed. He could almost feel sorry for whoever had to face them. But he was biased. He was sick of seeing what he thought could be a best time beaten just a few minutes later by the two ladies dashing through whatever was thrown at them.

"They're truly astounding." Luce murmured to him as they watched the pair streaking up the wall together to get to an enemy office. "I don't know how they do it."

"Nor do I!" he muttered back. He was truly proud of his sister, but it brought up a bit of pain, remembering when they were children, and she was so good at magic while he couldn't do anything at all. He had hoped this might be his time to shine. Even Drem and Lornk were applauding their achievements and just shaking their head in amazement. Gyrtek, Kucey and Bollin just looked on silently, but Fehrys knew that they could find no fault in their performances. In any of their performances, actually. All three teams were performing as well as ever, which was at least a relief. None of them had to run through any of the scenarios a second time. Even the infiltration task, which Fehrys thought would be rough for the larger Drem and Lornk went just fine for them thanks to some shadow magic used by Lornk.

They were ready.

Gyrtek agreed. "All right, you lot. The Duchy has invested a lot of time and money on you, and you're now ready to repay that. Each of you is going to get a final exam of sorts, but with no illusions. This is the real thing. If you make it through that, you get a week off and then you report back here for assignments," he explained. "For now, go clean up and rest. Tomorrow, meet at my office at first light, and I'll give you your exams."

The following morning found the three teams outside of Gyrtek's office, wondering what lay in store for them. The tone was subdued, for while all the teams had performed very well recently, there were enough failures earlier in the training for there to be doubts in their mind. Also, it had all been training. None of the illusions, blunted weapons or padded blades would have done any lasting harm. That wouldn't be the case anymore. From now on it would be kill or be killed. They all sat up at attention when the door to the office opened with a click. Bollin stuck his head out looking them over. Lornk and Drem, come on in." he ordered.

The two giants sighed and stood, following the commander.

"Anyone have any bets on what we'll get?" asked Rek.

"Goblins, it is always goblins!" answered Luce.

"It is? How do you know?" inquired Vic.

"I had a word with the servers at breakfast, they always hear the stories when the trainees come back. They couldn't remember the last time someone had an assignment other than goblins." They all breathed a sigh of relief. A few goblins seemed doable, and there were enough small tribes of them up in the hills that they always needed to be pushed back to keep them from raiding the mines that the dwarves of the valley kept expanding.

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