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Looking through the movie selection on the shelves, Aurelia groaned and ran her hands through her hair. In under an hour, Lia was meant to go to Stiles' house and study with him. But she knew that if she ended up picking a good film, she could distract him and they could watch movies instead. The shop was silent as she racked the shelves for the one movie she was looking for — 'Bad Boys' with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, as it was the two's favourite movie to watch together.

Outside in the Whittemore's car, Jackson pointlessly argued with Lydia over what film they were going to watch. "Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever. It is the best sports movie ever made—" He ranted as Lydia fixed her lipgloss.


"It's got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper—"


"Lydia, I swear to god you're gonna like it—"


"I am not watching The Notebook again." He spat. Minutes later the blonde boy was stood amongst the shelves — looking for the film they had compromised on. "Can somebody help me find The Notebook?"

"BOO!" Aurelia shouted, popping up in front of Jackson — a singular row of shelves in between them. Jackson jumped, swinging for the girl in front of him, but swiftly stopped once he realised who it was. "Did I get you?"

"Did you get me? I could have hit you!" Jackson shouted, as he picked up a movie and threw it at her — making her slap it away. "Is anybody working here?"

"I haven't seen anyone. Or heard anyone. Maybe they're in the back." Aurelia wondered, trying to convince herself that everything was okay. Walking down the middle aisle, something caught the Lahey girls eye. A foot. Sticking out the end of an aisle to their left. Nudging Jackson's arm she pointed forward, alerting him of the person too. The pair inched closer, Aurelia slightly ahead. As they rounded the corner, a man who looked to have had been working on the lights, laid across the floor bleeding from the gashes in his neck.

Stumbling backwards, she knocked into the ladder he had been stood on and pushed it to the floor, pulling some loose wires with it. Cutting out the electricity, making the lights flicker randomly. A low growl emitted from the back of the shop, resulting in Aurelia grabbing Jackson and pulling him down an aisle crouching down and hiding from — what she assumed to be — the Alpha. Stupidly, Jackson leant out of the aisle to check where the creature was putting them more at risk of getting hurt. Fallen film cases could be heard as the Alpha pushed over a shelf of them tauntingly. This however caused a domino effect, pushing them all over on top of both Jackson and Aurelia. Crushing and trapping them both.

The wolf approached Jackson, pulling back his collar to reveal the puncture wounds from Derek's claws. After gently eyeing them up, he retreated and moved to the other side of the case grabbing Aurelia by her legs and pulling her out. Her screams being the only thing heard in the store. As he went to attack her, the beast froze. A look present in it's eyes that hadn't been seen on it before. Fear. Throwing her to the other side of the room, it jumped through the window leaving an unconscious Aurelia laid sprawled on the floor.

"Did they forget my curly fries?" Sheriff Stilinski asked as he chewed through his burrito.

"You're not supposed to eat fries, especially the curly ones." Stiles reminded his father from the passenger seat of his cop car.

"Well, I'm carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries." He joked as Stiles stared at his father with his mouth wide open.

𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒆𝒕𝒉, 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘬𝘪Where stories live. Discover now