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One restraining order and an extremely pissed off Jackson later, the four were back in school. After driving Jackson away from 'Jungle', the gay club, they stole a prison transport van and drove him into the woods to keep him locked up. But whilst Scott and Allison were busy shacking up in the back of Allison's car, Jackson shifted and escaped. All while Aurelia and Stiles were sleeping back at the house, as they were taking the job in shifts. Jackson didn't seem to do anything in his time as the Kanima, as when Stiles had finally decided to tell his father the truth — Jackson was already there. Blaming the incident on a practical joke gone wrong, the two boys only suffered a restraining order — Aurelia and Allison somehow receiving nothing. "So I guess we are the messengers now?" Aurelia groaned, leaning on the wall beside Allison.

"Seems like it." The brunette laughed, tucking some books under her arm and shutting her locker. "Anything they want to say to Jackson has to go through us first."

"That might be a smart idea with Stiles," Lia smirked, jogging up to Allison as she had already set off. "He's a loose cannon that boy, that smart mouths gonna get him killed."

"Speaking of Stiles." Allison smiled, nudging the girl. "What's going on with you two, we haven't had the chance to speak about it." Aurelia shook her head, not wanting to feed into her friend's ideas. "Please, maybe getting it out there will help."

Letting out a sigh, she hung her head low and formed the words she wanted to say. "I like him. Like, really like him. I just— I don't know." Lia rubbed her lips together and folded her arms tight around her stomach. Allison went to speak up again but was cut off by the girl. "—Ah! You wanted me to speak, that's what I'm doing." Letting out a laugh, Allison nodded for her to continue. "I don't know what I am, Alli."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. I could have killed him. That day at the ice-rink, I could have killed him. Stiles. My best friend, the person I— the boy—" Gritting her teeth, she shut her eyes tight and started again. "— Peter knew what he was doing that night. I just. I wish I had the chance to ask him what he did." Aurelia whispered, twirling a ring on her finger. "I don't know who I am, and how am I supposed to—"

"Hey, hey, hey. You are Aurelia Lahey, best friend to Scott and Stiles, twin brother of Isaac Lahey, and sister to me and Lydia. Whether you turned into a Kanima like Jackson or a blood-sucking vampire from Twilight — you are one of us." Allison laughed, pulling the girl into her. "Once we figure out how to help Jackson, you are our next port of call, okay? You aren't alone."

Aurelia smiled into the hunter's shoulder. "Well. That got rather deep for a second." The blonde giggled, linking arms with the Argent. "I love you, Alli."

"Love you too, Lee." Allison smiled, looking down at her watch and mentally face-planting. "Dammit. We've uh— we've gotta meet the boys in the library, don't we?" So, cutting through the hallways with fewer cameras — put up by Allison's grandfather — they entered the library. Glancing up at the cameras strategically set up in the corners of the room, they headed between the shelves. "It's everything Lydia can translate. And trust me, she was very confused." Allison explained, sliding a few books across to face the boys on the other side of the shelves.

"Clearly she's ahead of me in Latin, but it's fine cause I'm handing her arse to her in Chem."

"Lia? Not the time." Scott smiled, turning back towards his girlfriend. "What'd you tell her?" Scott asked, flipping through the translation of the Kanima extract.

𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒆𝒕𝒉, 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘬𝘪Where stories live. Discover now