Chapter 8

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"Get her!" Casey yelled and a chase ensued. Lenora, Mark and Casey all started chasing her all over the main and second floor of Casey's house. Finally, Casey, Mark and Lenora all doggy-piled Bailey, which made Demon Bailey send them all flying.

"Enough!' Bailey exclaimed, levitating above the group, "Sethe Winston, you shall die!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Mark said. Bailey then casted a spell that removed Mark's mouth.

"Wait! Mark! Don't you have God powers being a god?" Lenora asked Mark.

"Oh yeah, you're right," Mark said, making his mouth reappear,

"You can also use them to purify Bailey," Lenora suggested.

"I can?" Mark said, "Right, I can."

Doing what Lenora told him to, Mark casted Purify but nothing happened.

"Any other great ideas?" Casey asked.

"We'd have to ask another genie who is knowledgeable about dark magic. I'm not knowledgeable in this suit." Lenora said.

"Alright, then go find another genie and me and Mark will keep Bailey occupied," Casey instructed. Lenora nodded and teleported off while Bailey and Mark disappeared with a red X where Mark once stood. Bailey reappeared behind him.

"Ready to die?" she asked in a threatening way.

"We're all born to die," Casey responded.

* * *

Meanwhile, Mark woke up tied to a chair in a room he recognized.

"Is this Casey's basement?" Mark thought to himself, and sure enough, he was correct.

"Mark!" Harold exclaimed happily upon seeing him,

"She got you too?" Willow asked from nearby.

"Is everyone who's been kidnapped here?" Mark asked.

"I think so," Casey's mom answered.

"Did Casey not think to check the basement?" Mark laughed.

"Well, I think Bailey sound-proofed the whole basement," Harold began, "and even if he could hear us, the door's jammed,"

"Oh, Bailey's smart," Willow commented,

"We should try to break out!" Mark said as everyone else in the room groaned,

"We think we wouldn't have tried that already!?" Willow's brother CS commented,

"Well you have God here now and I have the powers of a god," Mark declared.

"Magic is deactivated. She has all of our magic in an orb over there," Willow pointed across the room to a net hanging from the basement ceiling containing a glowing green orb.

"Well there goes that idea," Mark complained.

* * *

Meanwhile, Lenora appeared outside the door of former genie Jennifer Belle. Knocking on the door, she got an enthusiastic and off-key "Coming!" which was followed by Jennifer a few seconds later.

"Hi Jennifer!" Lenora said, smiling.

"Lenora Drew! What a pleasant surprise," Jennifer responded, "What brings you here young miss?"

"My boyfriend's friend is corrupted into demon mode because she has dark magic. I don't know much about dark magic but I was hoping you knew something that could help," Lenora asked. Jennifer thought for a minute.

"I'd have to check the book, would like to come in for a bit?" Jennifer asked Lenora while trying to remember where she left her book,

"Sure thing also, it can't wait long. Sorry to rush you," Lenora answered. The two walked in, and Lenora sat on the couch while Jennifer looked through some books. After a while, she took a big book out of the pile and blew dust off of it. It was a big purple book with gold along the spine edges. The title read "Everything You Need to Know about Dark Magic". Jennifer sat down on the couch beside Lenora and opened the book to page 155. Running her finger down the page, she stopped close to the bottom.

"So, it reads here that to save somebody with dark magic in the short term, you have to use a genie wish or place a curse in order to temporarily starve off the dark magic. In the long term, however, you have to get a special formula from Maleficent or Queen Grimhild, stop the person from acquiring dark magic in the first place or have the person who means the most to them cast a certain spell. Both of those ways said short term or long term are about if the person is out cold or corrupted into a demon mode. However there is a way if the person isn't in either state if you need that option. " Jennifer explained. Lenora nodded, having written it all down on some paper she brought with her.

"Thanks Jennifer. I think we are good with the options provided." Lenora thanked. She then teleported back to Casey's house where Casey was duct taped to a wall barely blocking arrows and axes being thrown at him by Demon Bailey who was laughing sadistically.

"Thank god you're back!" Casey exclaimed upon seeing Lenora.

"What's happening here!?" Lenora demanded.

"She's making a game out of trying to kill me," Casey answered, alarmed,

"Well Bailey, I'm right here, come and get me instead," Lenora taunted and ran and hid before making a double of herself to keep Demon Bailey busy while she freed Casey.

"Phew, thanks, she was getting really close before you came back," Casey told Lenora, relieved

"So I have our answer of how to save her both long and short term," Lenora told Casey, showing him the paper note she made. Casey read through the list as quick as he could and handed it back to Lenora.

"Which one do you think will work best?" Casey asked,

"I'm saying we save her short term with a wish or curse and then, since I know she knows how to save someone from dark magic, we can ask her how to save her permanently." Lenora suggested.

"Ok, but which short term solution do we use?" Casey asked,

"I can't grant anymore wishes so you will have to cast a curse. I can't, being a light warlock but you're a magician of all trades so you will have to cast one," Lenora answered. "Do you know any?"

"I don't even understand the basics of magic!" Casey protested,

"Okay, I will write down a curse and you read it to her. Okay?" Lenora asked.

"Sounds simple enough," Casey said as Bailey returned, angrier than before. Lenora quickly wrote down a curse and passed it to Casey. He read it to Bailey and she fell down and laid there passed out but back to normal.

"Now we wait a few minutes for her to wake up and then we find out where everyone is and fix the house," Lenora said as she and Casey heard yelling from the basement. Going downstairs, Casey found Mark, Toby, Willow, CS, Harold and Casey's parents.

"Did you not think to look down here?" Harold said to Casey.

"I couldn't hear anything," Casey said and Harold rolled his eyes. They all went upstairs and the house was back to normal like nothing had happened. Lenora sat on the kitchen counter drinking a glass of milk.

"Bailey is on the couch," Lenora explained. "I used my magic to clean the house for you guys,"

"Thanks Lenora," Casey said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

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