Chapter 1

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One day Casey Gasparelli was heading to an area called the cubby hole at his school. This area was down a mini section of the hallway on the first floor by an entrance to the school's auditorium. As he got there, he ran into one of his best friends Mark Brown. The two had agreed to meet there half way through lunch. As the two sat down, Casey leaned back and accidentally banged his head on the wall a little too hard. Instead of just his head banging off the wall, he seemingly fell through it.

"Yo! What happened?" Mark asked, confused

"It seems this wall is a portal to another world," Casey exclaimed, surprised as he sat back up.

"What's going on here?" Casey and Mark's friend Bailey asked as she skipped over.

"Casey thinks he's found a portal to another world," Mark explained.

"So that's where that portal is! I knew it was somewhere in this city!" she exclaimed, excitedly. "But, why here? Why in a school? There must be another one somewhere else then too,"

"I'm sorry, what?" Casey asked Bailey.

"I always knew there was at least one portal here in the Soo, I just could never find it. I didn't think it'd be in a school of all places," she explained.

"Is there something you haven't told me, Bailey?" Casey asked, confused.

"Never thought I'd have to explain this to you but... I'm a warlock. That portal you found leads to the Fairy Tale World, which is one of the many locations in the dimension the portal leads to called the Fantasy Dimension. In case you're curious, We live in the one called the Reality Dimension." Bailey explained.

"So you're telling me magic is real!?" Mark suddenly exclaimed excitedly,

"Indeed I am. Magic's very rare in this world, except in portal cities. Portal Cities are cities with special portals located in random places within the city. These portals allow travel between worlds. Most people don't learn magic is real in your world but in the other world, it is the opposite." she explained before taking a breath.

"That's a... lot to take in," Casey said slowly,

"Do you two wanna visit the Fairy Tale World for the rest of the school day instead while you take it all in?" she offered.

"Hell yeah!" Mark exclaimed.,

"But what about classes?" Casey asked Bailey

"Simple!" she evilly sang. She then magically made a double of Mark, Casey and herself. "They will go to class for us. I've done this before, you see."

'Alright then," Casey said.

The three stood in front of the portal and prepared the cross.

"You ready?" Bailey asked Casey and Mark,

"As ready as I'll ever be," Casey responded while Mark nodded his head.

"Let's go!!!" she squealed as Mark and Bailey pulled Casey through the portal.

* * *

They landed in a library that was empty minus a girl with super curly brown hair who was reading a dictionary. The girl looked up for only a brief second to see what was happening before going back to reading her book.

"Netty?" Bailey exclaimed in a high pitch whisper.

"Bailey!" the girl mimicked as she put her book down to look over at the three people who had just appeared in the library. "What are you doing here?"

"Today my friends here Mark and Casey found a portal from their world to our world and I made doubles of us so the three of us, specifically them, could explore here." Bailey explained.

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