Chapter 12

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The next day after school, Casey was getting ready for the dance. Lenora had told him, Mark, Mark's date, Bailey and her date to all be ready around 5pm because she rented a limo to take everyone to the dance at school.

"Casey! Your ride is here!" his mom yelled upstairs.

"Be there in a minute!" Casey yelled back. He quickly tied his new dress shoes and went downstairs. Lenora was on the porch in a 17th century dress.

"Ready?" she asked.

"You bet!" Casey answered.

"Wait, I want pictures," Casey's mom insisted and took a couple photos on her tablet before letting the couple leave. They then went and picked up Mark's date, then Mark.

Then all four of them had to go through more pictures from Mark's mom. They went to Bailey's where she said her date was going to meet her there. Once again, they had to go through pictures but from Bailey's stepmom. They all sat in the limo.

"You brought Seth?" Lenora said once they were in limo.

"We agreed to get along for the night," Bailey answered.

"Okay then," she said.

"Is there a problem?" Casey whispered to Lenora.

"That's my evil twin for one and for two he and Bailey hate each other," Lenora whispered back.

"Oh, then why are they going to the dance together?," Casey responded. Lenora shrugged.

When they got to the school, they all went in together.

"Hey guys!" Willow called once they entered the gym where the dance was being held. On the upper section of the gym was where the DJ was set up as well as the snack and drink tables plus a Karaoke stand. Currently Casey's bandmate from Mustang Sally and friend Jimmy was up there singing along to Renegade by Styx. Everyone danced below in the gym part.

"Hey Willow!" they all said to her.

"How do you sign up for Karaoke?" Bailey asked.

"You go tell the DJ by giving him a paper with your name, song choice and number on it. If he approves of your song choice, he'll text you your time to go up," Willow answered. "You guys missed Jimmy and I singing Easy Lover by Philip Bailey and Phil Collins about ten minutes ago."

"Sorry man," Mark said.

"It's okay, Chloe recorded it," Willow said.

"As in Chloe in our music class?" Casey asked.

"Yup," Willow answered.

"We should do a song," Lenora said.

"Okay," Casey agreed. So they went to do a song.

"Are you going to do a song, Lilly?" Seth asked Bailey.

"Yup, are you?" she asked back.

"No cell phone," he replied.

"Use my number," she offered. "I know, you know it,"

"Thanks," he answered. "This is going to sound crazy Lilly, but what if we do a duet?"

"ACADECA from the Friendship Games Movie in the MLP Equestria Girls Franchise?" Bailey answered.

"That way we keep our rivalry present?" he asked.

"Obviously," she answered, with sass. They then heard Casey and Lenora singing The Best of Times.

"You're lucky I watch My Little Pony like you do,"Seth laughed.

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