Chapter 3

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After the two groups got their baked goods, they sat at a table that was shaded by an umbrella just outside the bakery. Mark, Lenora and Casey were all just talking together while Bailey stayed oddly quiet. Casey noticed this and began chatting with her.

"Psst, Bailey!" Casey whispered, "You've been awfully quiet, is something wrong?" Bailey said nothing and just shook her head.

"Alright, but if there's something wrong, you let me know, okay?" Casey responded and Bailey nodded.

After everyone finished their treats. Netty showed up with a boy with blond-ish hair and was about as tall as her, plus a girl who looked Asian and looked to be about Mark's sister's age.

"Hey, Bailey, Casey, Mark and Lenora!" Netty said.

"Hey Netty and friends!" Casey and Mark said.

"Mark, Casey. These are Lenora's, Bailey's and my friends Missouri Hood and my boyfriend Gideon French." Netty said.

"Of course the smartest Blank-cloud in our world Netty Brown is here with friends," Lenora laughed, making Netty laugh as well.

"Boyfriend?" Casey asked curiously, "How long have you two been together?"

"We've been together for fifteen years tomorrow." Gideon beamed.

"Hold on! How old are you guys?" Casey said in shock.

"We're eighteen. Netty's birthday was two days ago." Gideon said. "Mine was a few months back."

"Oh well happy late birthday Netty and you're telling me you two have been dating since you were in kindergarten?" Casey asked, slightly more bewildered.

"Yup!" Gideon answered.

"They're such couple goals," Lenora commented.

"I see that," Casey mumbled.

"Did you say Netty's last name is Brown?" Mark asked Lenora.

"I did indeed," Lenora answered.

"What a coincidence!" Mark exclaimed, "that's my last name too!"

"I wonder if we're related?" he laughed as everyone except Bailey joined in.

"Not possible. Guaranteed." Netty said, very quickly to shut the idea down.

"Oh well, it was worth a shot..." Mark mumbled.

"So are Lenora and Casey on a date with Mark and Bailey double dating with them?" Gideon asked. Bailey just shot him a dirty look that only Gideon and Casey noticed.

"Actually, Bailey and I aren't dating and neither are Casey and Lenora," Mark explained,

"Yet," Lenora added and Bailey only noticed because Casey rolled his eyes.

"I have to run an errand. Be back in a bit!" Bailey lied and took off. Missouri looked like she was unsure if she should follow Bailey or not. Casey noticed and nodded at Missouri saying he'd follow her. After a while of searching, Casey found Bailey sitting criss cross applesauce at a bench alone, hiding her face in the palms of her hands. Casey approached her.

"Hey, Bailey, you alright?" he asked,

"Ya, just need a breather before I do what I need to," she said wiping her eyes. Her face was beet red like she was about to cry.

"Bailey..." he began but she got up from the bench and stopped him from finishing his sentence.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine dude. Seriously. Also with all the jokes and mentions of you and Lenora, If you like her, go for it. Nothing is stopping you." she said before taking off. Casey sensed some jealousy in her voice like he had when Lenora was talking about Melody's girlfriend earlier. As he walked back to the bakery, he felt rather conflicted but didn't know why. As he returned to the bakery, he saw Lenora, Mark, Missouri, Gideon and Netty all chatting.

Genie Stories - Book 1: The DanceWhere stories live. Discover now