Chapter 2

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"Harold? Did you put a lamp in the fridge?" Casey called down to the basement where Harold was playing video games. He didn't get a response, so he presumed Harold had his headset on and couldn't hear him and went down to the basement holding the lamp. Entering the Games Room, he found Harold playing Minecraft with his headset on.

"Just as I expected," Casey thought aloud as he walked over to his brother. As Casey stood beside him, Harold paused his game and looked up.

"Yes?" Harold asked Casey, slightly annoyed,

"Did you put this lamp in the fridge?" Casey asked. Harold took the lamp from Casey, examined it thoroughly for a second and then handed it back to him.

"Nope," Harold said as he went back to playing his game,

"Well, thanks for nothing," Casey said as he rolled his eyes and left,

"You're welcome!" Harold said cheerily as Casey closed the door. As Casey went back upstairs, he wondered who could've left the lamp in the fridge when he suddenly ran into his mom.

"You need to close the fridge when you're not using it, Casey," she told him.

"Sorry," Casey apologized, "I just found this strange lamp in the fridge and was trying to find out who it belongs to."

"Can I see it?" Casey's mom asked,

"Sure," Casey said as he passed it to her. Casey's mom examined the lamp for a bit before giving it back to him.

"I couldn't tell you who it belongs to, but it does seem oddly familiar," she said,

"Really?" Casey asked her before taking another look at the lamp,

"Yeah, I think I used to see it around Korah all the time when I went there," she explained as they heard a familiar tone which meant Casey was getting a call on Facebook.

"It's probably Bailey," Casey sighed as he went to answer

'Alright," His mom responded as he walked into the living room of their house. As Casey answered the call, Bailey greeted him excitedly while wearing a big bulky sweater she didn't have on earlier. Casey assumed she just got cold.

"Hi!!!" Bailey squealed as Casey answered,

"Hi, whatcha doin'?" Casey asked,

"Not much, just wanted to see how one of my favourite humanoids is doing!" Bailey responded

I'm doing pretty good," Casey told Bailey, "Just trying to figure out where this weird lamp came from," He said as he showed her the lamp,

"Lamp... you found a lamp?" She said uncomfortably,

"Yeah...? Is there something wrong?" Casey asked Bailey, suspiciously,

"No! Nothing at all!" she said too perkily to be true. By now, however, Casey had picked up on it.

"Is this your lamp?" Casey asked,

"As in, my property? 'Cause nope! Not mine!" she said quickly.

"Are you sure?" Casey asked slowly,

"Yup!" she squeaked, wincing.

"Alright, talk to you soon then," Casey responded,

"See ya!" she said quickly as she hung up, ending their call.

"Well that was weird." Casey said, taken aback. It was shorter than most calls Bailey had initiated and something was definitely wrong, but Casey couldn't figure out what it was (besides it having something to do with Bailey and the lamp) so he decided to focus on other things for the moment. It was then he saw something written on the lamp and took a closer look. The writing read: "He who rubs, gets 3 wishes."

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