Tyler: Epilogue

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It's summer right now, and some things have changed. In February Melissa lost her sight, but she's been going strong since. Max has come in and helped to finish train Mars, Lizzy is a lot better now. Her seizures are under control. Me and Melissa have both been homeschooled her with the gang. Our alliance with the Scorpions has helped both gangs, we were able to fix our housing  issue and we are able to help the Scorpions build themselves up again. If things have changed around here they have changed for the better, but the boring meetings have stayed the same.

"I'm just done with all of this, how did you do this for years?" I ask melissa after one of the meetings. 

She shrugs, "I don't know. Since i was just a kid I was able to avoid them for a while." she's been wearing a blindfold over her eyes ever since she went blind. She complains that it's itchy but she refuses to take it off.

"I want something to do that does not involve being cooped up in this room for more than three hours." I groan. 

As we collect our things and get ready to leave the conference room, Luke comes in.

"There is someone at the gate for the queen. She says her name is Maria Alebrije-Gonzalez and that she needs your help, m'lady." he explains.

"Wait, does she have heterochromia and vitiligo?" Melissa ask, her facial expression is unclear but I can tell she's worried. 

"Yes and-" before Luke can finish Melissa is out the door and running up the stairs. 

"I'm gonna go and follow her." I tell Luke and run after Melissa.

By the time I find Melissa, she is in the tunnel. I try to ask her what is going on but she just runs faster. How she has managed to get this far without her sight is impressive. I don't know how she can tell she as at the gate but when she gets there she shouts at the guards to open it and let the people in. 

The gates open and a big black van pulls in, after it is in and the gates close the van is parked and about sixteen people get out of it. 

"Melissa!" One of them runs up and tackles Melissa in a hug. "It's been so long, sorry we dropped by like this but we really need your help."

Melissa pulls away, "It's okay, we'll help you however we can don't worry about it. You all must be really tired and it's getting really late. Did all that stuff happen today, it didn't make the news."

One of the girls steps forward and i'm guessing she's the oldest. "Yeah, we barely got out. We know where we need to go but we need help to get there. Is it okay if we call the others to come here?"

"Of course, for now let's get you all something to eat and then you can rest. We can get things sorted in the morning." Melissa then turns to me. "They are our guest, they're my family and really need help. I'll explain more when we get back home."

Once we get back to the house, me and Melissa set them up in the training room where it's big enough for them to stay the night. And while we wait for some food for them, Melissa fills me in. They are Melissa's cousins and they have stuck to the their Aztec ways. And one of them, Maria, is the new chieftess of their clan. They need help to get to Mexico where they can get back to their clan's temple. 

Maria is an interesting character, heterochromia, one eye blue and the other green. Dark olive skin tone like Melissa and her family but ghost white patch skin due to her vitiligo. According to her, her vitiligo has covered most of her chest and back. It's collected on patches on her arms and started to get to her legs a few days ago. It's in patches on her cheeks and neck too, but like everyone else in the family, she is covered head to two in freckles. 

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