21: The final fight

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It's been a three weeks since the coronation, Melissa and Tyler are back in school. This is the last day of school before Christmas break. Currently they are having lunch while doing some of their homework for math.

"You know what I noticed?" Tyler ask Melissa who is taking a bite of her tamales.

Melissa covers her mouth with her hand, "What is it?"

"Luke is married, I just noticed the ring this morning. I don't want to assume but is he married?" 

"He is, but his husband and wife are in jail. They were jailed during the brawl. None of us have seen them in so long." Melissa frown remembering what happened. Then she smiles, "You never noticed his wedding ring?"

Tyler shrugs, "Not really, didn't notice until we got our rings." Tyler points to the ring on Melissa's left ring finger.

Melissa smiles, "Max said something that pretty much explains that. You don't really notice peoples specific jewelry until it is something you wear yourself." 

"Has Max seen your ring?" Tyler smiles when Melissa scrunches her nose.

"Ugh, yeah. I got yelled at for hours." she laughs.

Tyler looks back down at his computer, "Are you ready for that Spanish final?"

Melissa's eyes widen, "That was today? I didn't know that!" She puts her tamale away and starts to put her stuff back in her bag.

"Where are you going?" Tyler ask when she starts to get up.

"Something for another class. I'll see you in Spanish. Love you," she kisses Tyler before running off. "Bye!"

"Dude, what is it with the ring?" Dillian ask as soon as Tyler sits down.

Tyler frowns, "What do you mean?" 

Dillian points to Tyler's left ring finger, "Are you married or something?" he ask with a smile.

Tyler shakes his head. Before he can answer Melissa runs into class and lands in her seat in the back a second before the bell rings.

"Good to know you are joining us for your final." Ms. River calls to Melissa and closes the classroom door. "The final is simple, I am going to say a word in Spanish and you have to spell it correctly and with the accents if they have it. And then I will call you up one by one in last name alphabetical order. I will give you a sentence in English and then you will say it to me in Spanish. After that part I will give you your grade and you may leave. And with that paper and pencil out and let us begin."

The writing part takes a total of fifteen minutes. One by one people are called to Ms. Rivera's desk and in about ten second those students leave. Melissa is the third person called up and left right after she finished, not waiting for her grade. Tyler gets called up near last, he gets his grade and then leaves. 

"What took you so long?" Melissa ask him, she was waiting outside the classroom.

Tyler smiles, "Not everyone has a last name that starts with the first three letters of the alphabet." he takes her hand and they walk out to the parking lot.

"We need to stop by the diner, Paris said she needs to talk." Melissa gets into Tyler's truck, they have to take his truck because Melissa can't drive.

"Okay, off to the diner we go." Tyler starts pulling out of the school parking lot and to the diner.

"Thanks for coming, take a seat." Paris says as soon as Tyler and Melissa enter the diner. 

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