14 Tyler

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Melissa just told me the entire history of her gang, I actually can't believe it. How does all of that happen?

"So, that's it. That's how it all happened. How the gang was made, how I became queen." Melissa tells me.

"That's... that's a lot to take in. Like I can only imagine what it was like for you. You were a kid, that must have been traumatized." I tell her.

"I was, I saw my dad fall to the ground dead. A bullet right between the eyes. His curiosity is what got him killed. Like I told you a while back, your curiosity will get you killed too." Melissa says as she pokes me in the ribs.

"Yeah, that could traumatize anyone. So we have like half an hour til this party ends," I state while looking at my phone. "It's almost midnight, if I go home now my dad will kill me." Melissa giggles. "And there's a diner that is open 24/7. So once this ends and we make sure your gang is safe and out of here, I say we ditch and go for some good food." I suggest.

"Honestly, that's the best thing I've heard all night." Melissa says as she sighs.

"I also just noticed you're wearing contacts and not your glasses." I say randomly.

"Yeah, I usually almost never wear them." she explains. "They just irritate my eyes and it's a struggle getting them out. I literally have something on my eyeball. You're lucky you don't have to deal with it."

"Very true." I say.

I feel someone tap on my shoulder, I turn around and see a boy my age that looks similar to Melissa. "Can I help you?" I ask him.

"Yeah, me and my sister need to talk to you two." he says.

I feel someone tug at my arm and pull me through the crowd. I get pushed into a dark room and the door closes.

"Fuck." Melissa mutters. I hear someone grabbing something metal and the light turns on.

"Oh, this is one big closet." I say as I look around.

"Yeah, why do you think I spent most of my life here?" Melissa asks. She has a metal baseball bat in her hands and she's acting like a barrier between me and the two other teenagers.

"What do you want?" Melissa asks them.

The two look at eachother, "I told you, where are my twenty bucks?" the girl asks her brother, extending her hand for her money.

"I'll give it to you when we get home. We don't have much time. And as for what we want, we just want answers." the boy says.

"I want answers too, so start talking." Melissa demands.

The girl glares at me from around Melissa. "Why are you hiding?" she turns to her brother. "Why is he hiding?" she ask.

"Well, I have a gang leader as a girlfriend. And I know if I do something stupid, she will kill me." Melissa hits me on the head with her bat.

"Yeah, like telling people i'm a gang leader." She glares at the others. "Why do you have those necklaces?" she ask them.

"We had them since we were kids, we don't take them off." the girl explains.

Melissa shows them hers, "Same, but my question is where did you get them?" she ask again.

"We don't know." they answer in unison. "We just know that we were adopted by a family and that these necklaces are our way of keeping track of each other. "

"I'm just going to butt in and say, I just can't get over the fact that the three of you look exactly alike." I interrupt them.

The three of them look at me, "You're one son of a-" they say at the same time. They are interrupted by someone's phone ringing.

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