I Tyler

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This book is dedicated to my little brother. Thank you baby bro, for being there for me during my dark times. I was in a bad and dark place. You were the good and the light that got me out. 

I sigh as I look at my new school, South Gwinnett High, the school that is known for the crimes around. My mom doesn't want me to go here but it's the only high school in our city, Snellville. There is another school but it is several hours away and in another city. I'm just glad to be able to go to a good school. If you get past all the crimes, this school has a decent education system. I walk up the steps, managing to avoid a few people who are running to get to their classes. I manage to find the front office and walk up to the receptionist. The lady behind the desk has soft blond hair and bright blues eyes. She seems to be in her mid fifties, and is typing away at her computer.

"Hi, i'm Tyler Vo. I'm the new student. I was told to come here to meet my tour guide. Can you tell me where they are?" I ask, giving her a small smile.

She smiles back before responding, "Of course. She is in the counseling office. It's the first door on the right. Just head down that hall." she explains while pointing to a nearby hallway.

I nod in understanding. "Alright thank you." I wave a quick goodbye to her before heading down the hallway she told me. I get to the right door but stop right outside of it. I can hear muffled yelling but I can make it out.

"Why do I have to do it?" A female voice screams.

A male voice groans in annoyance. "Melissa, we have been over this. Your parents made a donation to the school, and you are representing them by interacting with your peers. You can't do that if you don't try to socialize."

"I have my reason not to and you know it. I won't interact with anyone but-"

"Yes I know! But this student will be a fresh start. You need to get out of your comfort zone. And please take off that jacket. We don't want the new kid frightened by you."

There is rustling then the female speaks again, "So when do I get to meet him?" she ask.

I knock on the door. I hear a small 'Come in' before entering the room. I am met by a middle-aged man wearing a light green dress shirt and plaid sweater vest with brown slacks and brown dress shoes. He has light brown hair with a few grey streaks here and there. His beard is neatly trimmed and so is his mustache. The person he must have been talking to has their back facing me so I can't see their face.

"Ah, you must be the new student, Tyler. A pleasure to meet you," he extends his hand out for a handshake, which I do. "I'm Dr.Jones. I'm the head counselor here at the high school. If you have any issues just come to me. This is Melissa," he gestures to the girl.

She turns around and my breathing stops. I don't want to say I instantly fall in love with her, but she is beautiful. She has soft pale skin. Her long jet black hair stands out against it. Her hair is braided down to her left side and a thick red strand of dyed hair is among the braid. She has almond shaped eyes and her dark mocha iris are clearly visible through her glasses, which have thin black frames and silver pieces on each side. Her entire outfit is either red or black. She has on a black and red striped t-shirt, a black skirt that stops at her knees, red leggings, and black combat boots with red laces. She also has a lip ring and an eyebrow piercing. On her ears are small little dragon earrings that glint in a dark red. She is wearing black fingerless gloves that have studs on the knuckles. She has a black messenger bag with the strap being red. I can see something that is red and black on her forearm but she hides it.

"Melissa here will be showing you around the school, you two have the same schedules so it will be easier." Dr.Jones explains. At the mention of our schedules Melissa's eyes widen. But she forces a smile.

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