12 Melissa

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"The one thing you have been told is that you are to never open the gates to an outsider. You push them away. If they have business with anyone of the royal family, you need to call. And if they try to break in, you capture them and bring them to me." I explain to the twins. I haven't slept at all. It's three in the morning and I have to leave for school soon.

"We're sorry we didn't mean to. We were only trained for like two days before we were out on duty. We couldn't have known all these things in two days." Alex tells me.

I take off my glasses and rub my eyes, "I'm letting this off the hook this one time, something like this does not require the council. But after your proper training and this happens again, you are both paying the consequences." I warn them. "Is that clear?"

"Yes, my queen." Both twins bow and then walk through the tunnel back to the mansion.

I pull my phone out and see that I only have one text from Tyler, 'Why didn't you tell me?' How can I respond to that? I wanted to, but I couldn't. Now I have to live with the fact that I lied to the one person who ever cared.

"Life is shit." I say to no one in particular. I pocket my phone and head back to the manson, things will be worse in the morning.

I get to school and notice people staring, can't blame them. It's the first time in a while that I'm wearing my gang jacket-the normal one not the one with my royal status. I walk up the steps and avoid eye contact with everyone. I just keep my head down and my shoulders bending, trying to stay hidden.

I get to class and sit in the back like always, a few minutes before the bell, Tyler walks in. Instead of sitting next to me like always, he sits up front. I'll admit i'm a bit hurt by this, but I can't blame him. He just found out his girlfriend is the leader of a feared gang. I'll just have to talk to him about it another time.

I see him at his locker between classes so I walk up to him. "Tyler, we need to talk." I tell him.

He closes his locker and looks me over. He notices my jacket. "Turn around." he tells me.

I turn around, letting him see what is on the back of my jacket. I really don't care at this point.

"So you wear it now?" he asks. No emotions in his voice.

"Just meet me under the bleachers after school, please." I beg him. I turn around and leave.

I'm standing underneath the bleachers with a lit cigarette between my fingers. Class has been stressful, people keep coming up to me and asking me about my jacket and where Tyler is. I'm tired of all of this, I'd break up with him if I could. The twins already know that he's my boyfriend, they have most likely already told the rest of the gang. If that gave them all hope that they are getting a king, I can't really take that away from them.

"So how has your day been?" I turn around and see Tyler.

I glare at him, "Trying to get away from people." I tell him.

I take a drag and blow out the smoke making a smoke ring. I throw the cigarette bud down and stomp it out.

"Same," he says. He puts his bag down and stands next to me. We avoid eye contact for a good while. "Why didn't you tell me?" he ask.

I don't look him in the eyes, "I was afraid, alright. I was afraid that finally after six years, someone that actually cares about could be gone in an instant. I was born a triplet, I was born with a brother and sister, I was not born alone. But then when I was six my mother and father threw them in the back of a car and took them away from me! I haven't seen them in ten years! I ran away at the age of seven and was technically adopted by the king and queen of a gang. I was in a huge fight that got several of them killed and others jailed. Then after a few years later, the man who raised me -better than my own father- was killed. A bullet right through the head! I was made queen a week after. It was under his last command, I didn't have a choice! I had to deal with my family, the gang, I had to deal with them talking behind my back! Saying that I only became queen because I used to be this broken little girl who was so desperate for a family that she ran away and found one! A little girl that climbed out of a several story tall mansion and climbed down and could have died! A little girl who was willing to get a fucking tattoo that permanently made her the princess of a gang less she ever stepped out of line!"

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