11: Don't forget your past

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Ernesto Di Glori was just a boy only at the age of twelve. His family didn't have much, just enough money to get by day by day. Ernesto couldn't go to school. He was the oldest, he wanted to help his parents, send his sisters to school, and just be a normal family. But he would have to risk something.

His family didn't know what to think, they didn't know what to think when nearly ten thousand dollars appeared at their doorstep. They didn't know what to think after in the papers, there was a reported robbery. They knew if they returned the money, they would be accused and get locked up. Now Ernesto had to do something else for his family.

He found the mansion behind an old alley, nobody went near there anymore. He restored the most that he could with the time he [had, he hid the money in there, and then he and his family moved in. They changed their identities and continued to restore the mansion. They lived there peacefully for only a year, until someone needed help.

"I can let you all live with us, and I think I have a way to help your families." Ernesto said. He was with a group of kids like him. All were older than him. They all had to help their families.

"How exactly are you going to do that? You can't rob another bank, and how will we get the money?" one of them asked.

Ernesto smiled, "We are starting a gang. It will be to help people who are in our situations, people looking for a family. We are doing it to help people."

"Okay, so how do we make this work?" one of the girls asked.

"We will each make an oath, but I'll be king. We'll call ourselves the Death Dragons. To know that we belong in the gang, we will get tattoos and jackets." Ernesto explained. "This mansion will be our headquarters. We will help each other and be a family to each other. There will be rules, and there will be consequences to those who break them."

"Alright, all in favor of this?" The oldest male asked. He raised his hand, and so did the others.

"Alright, my king, what do you want us to do?" another girl asked while bowing.

"Let's begin the initiations." Ernesto said.

His parents let it happen, they knew their son was going to help others, they had to accept that.

Together, the kids made their oaths.

"As a Death Dragon I promise to our king I will always be honest.

I choose to be a part of this family to which I will care for happily.

I will do as I am told by those who are superior.

Even all crimes I am told to do and not be inferior.

I promise to be a Death Dragon."

They all had their tattoos and vowed to be by their kings side. To respect his choice when he picks his queen and to obey his rules.

It was Ernesto's turn to take his oath, one of the others had to help him.

"As king you promise that when someone stands behind you, you give them protection."

The man gestured to the gang.

"When someone stands beside you, you give them respect."

He referred to when the king finds himself a queen.

"When someone stands in front of you, you watch their back."

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