5 Melissa

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"What do you mean you left the twins alone?" I yell at Jack. I run through the front yard in order to get inside the mansion.

"They wanted to train with their guns."

"So you let them?"

"Well yeah."

"You should already know not to leave them alone in the same room. Especially when they have their guns. Last time we left them alone we were eleven. They destroyed half the mansion that day." I yell at him when we reach the basement door.

I rip the door open and march down the stairs. I try to open the door to the training room, but it's locked. I growl. I have my bat slinged on my back so I remove it. I raise it and hit the doorknob. It breaks off, I kick the door open.

"What the hell are the two of you doing?" I yell. The twins are trying to juggle knives.

They look at each other before looking back at me. "Nothing." they say in unison.

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. The twins are known for their trouble. Their names are Alex and Alice. They both have bright red hair and green eyes. They have been in the gang ever since they were born. They weren't officiated until they were thirteen. They were trouble from day one, and they still are. Even the queen can't stop them. She has been trying for years.

"We were just... training?" They say it like it's a question.

"By juggling knives?"


"You do know those are Killie's, right?"

They look at the knives before dropping them on the floor with a clatter. "We do now."

"Oh you are going to be the death of me," I mumble. "Now can you please put them where they were and go back out."

I turn around and leave the room bat in hand. I head up the stairs, it's five in the morning. I haven't really had any sleep. The stress is getting to me. But I can't really take a break. If I do, things can go downward pretty quick.

I go to school and I am just out of it. Before the bell rings I go to the side of the building and take out my cigarette pack. I take one out and take out my lighter. I light it and put away my lighter. I take in a long drag and slowly breath it out. I just need a while to destress from all that shit that's been going down. Before I know it I am left with a stub. I throw it down and stomp it out. I fix my bag strap and go to the front steps. I rush up the steps and go to homeroom. Tyler is already there so I plop down next to him. I put my head on the desk trying to forget about life.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, I look up at Tyler. "Why do you smell like smoke?" he ask. I feel my eyes widen. I take my sleeve and sniff it. He's right, I totally forgot.

"Shit." I curse. The bell rings and I bolt out for the door. I have to avoid his questions at all costs.

"Melissa wait!" I hear him yell. I stop in my tracks and whip my head around, my hair swinging into my face.

"What the hell do you want?" I growl at him. I am pissed. I just want to be left alone. Is that so much to ask for.

"Are you okay? '' he ask me with a soft voice.

He sounds hurt. I don't care, I want out. I let my eyes soften. I turn around and walk away, ignoring him calling me. At lunch I leave and go to the back of the building. I just need another smoke. I'm on my last one, I'll have to buy some more later. I just sit down and think. How did I get myself pulled into this. Well, if memory serves me, I was just a seven year old who wanted a family. So I went on the streets to find one and I did. End of story. The bell rings so I put out my cig and head back inside.

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