9 Melissa

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I run out of the room as soon as the teacher tells us what to do. I run to the bathroom, I curse when I see cameras. I go into a stall and lock it shut, I sit on the seat and set my bag down and start to pull a jacket out of it.

"I fucking told them last week, not today. We will do it another week." I mumble as I put on my fake jacket.

After we got a good look at Dillian's jacket, we had some of the women make fake ones. A group of about five of us are needing to steal something from this school. Something that has belonged to our gang for years, we have to take it back.

After I finish putting the jacket on, I put my mask on to cover my face. I take out my colored contacts and head to the sink. I take off my glasses and carefully and quickly put my contacts in one at a time. Now my eyes are a bright blue. I take out hair chalk and color my dyed hair black again. I grab my bag and head out of the bathroom. I find my group down the hall.

"What the hell?" I yell at them. "I told you that we would do it next week. Why are you here?"

"As it turns out, that thing we need to get, we need it now." One of them explains, Sebastian I think. "We need it by nightfall. And question, do you know where the key to the trophy case is?" he ask.

I nod. "Do you have my bat?" I ask. He nods, pulls out my metal out of his bag, and throws it over to me. I catch it. "Thanks, one of my teachers has it. I'm going to go get it, go find the trophy case, I'll meet you there." I turn and run back to Mr.Wards room.

Once I get there I look through the window and see the door is blocked. I groan in annoyance. I lift my bat and hit it on the window. Glass goes everywhere, people scream from inside the room. The window is big enough for me to fit through and I can easily get around the desk. I carefully avoid the glass as I grab the window frame, I pull myself up and jump through the window, I land on one of the desks. People scream again.

I roll my eyes and just head to Mr.Ward's desk. I open all the drawers and look through them. No keys. I turn to where everyone is, I glare at Mr.Ward. I walk over to him and put the bat to his neck.

"Where the fuck is the key to the trophy case?" I ask him, venom laced in my voice.

"In-in one of the ca-cabinets. Near the sink, top le-left." he stutters out.

I grin through my mask. I head over to the cabinet he told me and grab the keys. I hear footsteps behind me, I turn around and see Tyler. He has a textbook in his hands, over his head. Is he literally about to hit me? I throw myself to the ground and swiftly swing my right foot at his feet. Causing me to kick him down, and him landing on his ass.

I laugh, "You're lucky you're cute." I wink at him and run to leave the classroom. Out the corner of my eye I see someone making a phone call, most likely calling the police. I get on the desk, and climb out the window.

"Too easy." I say to myself as I run to where the trophy case is. I see the rest of the group there.

"I have them, let's get it and get you guys out of here. The cops are on their way." I inform them.

I put the key in the keyhole and unlock the case. Two of the members slide the doors to the side and we all quickly look for what we are here for.

"I found it!" one of the girls shouts.

In her hands, is a spelling bee first place winner plaque. She takes out a pocket knife and unscrews the winner's silver plaque from the wooden plaque. In the small area dug into it, is the deed to the north part of the city, where we live.

"Great, put this in your bag." I tell her. She nods. "All of you get out of here now. I'm going to do my best so that the Scorpions are framed. Go, I'll see you guys tonight." I assure them.

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