Chapter 4 Day 2

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Well yesterdays Reason was no good, What else?This time it has to be good, Or it might not even work "Katrina...What's a reason.. For someone Who wants to do something.. that's bad and they now it.. What's a reason to have them stop?" She frowns "What kind of bad?" I sigh "Can you... Can you keep a secret?" She nods, I pull her to the bathroom "Well.. I- Its Colby" she frowns "Oh my god what happened?" Wait, why is she happy? "No ,No, no Its not a good thing.. He.. promise me to keep this a secret..he..wants to jump off the roof..and he gave me 10 days to give him a good enough reason to not..and I need reasons.. cause I obviously didn't think this through" she stands there, shocked "Well.. What are your reasons?" I groan, seriously I can't think straight, Haha I think that like I ever did "Well, I think you tried that, Guess that's why you came to me..why did you? I mean Your closer to Xepher Than Me" why did I come to her? "I.. I trust you more than Xepher that's why.. Please back to the Topic" I can't take this..This isn't how it's supposed to be.. Were supposed to be brothers with parents..Not here and only having 10 days left..well might "What about One direction? You Guys are really into them.. Is that a reason?" Yes that's one! I can use that "Yes! Thank you Kat.. I'm gonna go find him.

"Colby!" He turns around..With a sad Face.. Wait did that kid be rude to him?! I'm gonna be mad if they did..he so broken already he doesn't need more "Reason Number Two, Who's Gonna Go to a One Direction Concert? Meet them and be those crazy fans that'll propose to them on the spot? Xepher won't do that.. she doesn't even know Who Harry is.. She doesn't even Know The King himself how do you expect her to know My husband?" He laughs "That's.. A half Good Reason.. But still not good enough" argh! I'm working there at least..

I.. don't know why I agreed to do this.. i should have just jumped When i had the chance, now I have Sam at risk.. To hurt himself with me, His reasons for me.. were actually truthful.. But I.. But i don't think their good enough for me to stay.. Of course if anyone Rejects Sam their Blind as Fuck, And Of course I would go to a One Direction Concert and be a crazy fan that proposed to them.. Those are reasons for IF not why or... yeah.. Let's Just hope he doesn't actually follow my footsteps and end it.. like me.

"Let's go to the T.V. room Maybe watch some One Direction Interviews or Larry Videos" he smiles "OR We can also watch their music Videos.. Haven't watched or listened to them in awhile" I walk in, Only us.. Perfect no complaining to change it to.. Whatever crap they listen to "Pass the remote" I laugh and sit down, He automatically goes to his Favourite Chair, a Blue coloured Couch With Green pillows.. nice colour combination.. just not matching the room, I'm sitting on a sofa that's black and used with white pillows.. that aren't comfortable "Here let's watch a lyric video" he pushes play.. when Diana Starts playing.. Of course..

Front pages all your pictures, They make you look so small, How could someone not miss you at all?

Well only Sam will miss me, They won't miss me because I'm in an orphanage, To many children to care for each and every one.

I'd never mistreat ya, Oh I'm not a criminal, I speak a different Language but i still hear your call..

If only a wish can come true, Damn would mine and Sam's life change if they came, But then theres the difference of why they would come to an orphanage and not foster care and not like their gonna look for children to bring on tour or anything.

Diana, let me be the one to light a fire inside those eyes, you've been lonely, you dont even know me, but I can feel you crying.

No, I learned to stop crying, It just hurts more.

Diana, let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life, I dont think you even realize baby you'd be saving mine.

Theres zero possibility that me, myself can do any of that, No one can save me.. maybe, If I let them, I wont let anyone in just to be more hurt again. Maybe not even Sam.

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