Chapter 3 Day 1

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"Have you Seen Colby?" I ask This Girl, I remember talking to her once in the library "Um no..Did you check his room or the roof?" I shake my head "Were not allowed on the roof unless we have permission by Him remember?" She nods, picking up her fork pushing the food around "Its better to eat it warm than cold" it's True though, nothing here tastes good but you might as well just eat it while it's still warm.

I throw the remaining Food away Going to my Room, Well Shared room. Only a few kids are in here quietly Playing a card game, I ask them if they seen him they shake their head no, Fuck Colby where the hell are you?

I was about to walk out when they speak up "Well.. He did come in here earlier with a note and a necklace?.. It's on your bed" I didn't even bother looking at my bed...Necklace?

I run over to my bed, oh- His Necklace? Why is it here? I frown turning it over in my hand, I set it down Opening the Letter.

Dear Sam,
I, I don't how to say this so I'm just gonna say it. I'm sorry, I hope You won't be sad After this, if you are I'll always be with you, Always, your my Brother, Your my Family.. But I'm tired of people telling my how useless I am, or how Worthless or how i take up air and Food and space, I'm.. Yes I'm killing myself, Hopefully by the time you read this I'll be gone. I always loved you, ever since I seen you come in, the crying little kid who was scared, I was only 7 when I came in, You came and... and I liked you, you made me feel wanted, loved... Feelings, I didn't like it at first because then I would become attached, that's why I was a bit rude at first. Now I realize how wrong I was, Your My brother and forever will be,I'm sorry. I Don't want to feel This emptiness anymore, I Want you to have a Family, 2 loving parents, I'm holding you back, You could have gone to a home 4 times..But each time you asked for me to come and they left, I don't want that to happen a fifth time, Next time..there won't be me to ask to come along, Next time you won't be leaving me alone, I'll be with you with your First Christmas, your First Birthday, First Roadtrip, First Boyfriend or Girlfriend if you Want, First Parent fight over a stupid little thing, And Till the end I'll always be with you. 

I love you always Sam,

Love, Colby ♡

No POV- Just so you can see What he wrote for The adults.

To whoever's Reading this.

As you may see, I'm Dead, Start cheering and giggling now, You don't have to worry about me or worry if you have to share a room with me or Be scared of me, If your and Adult or a teacher, Have Fun, I'm no longer your problem, If your a child bring this to an adult or a teacher as this was meant for them.

The Problematic annoying Child.

I Put the paper down... I.. He's- No I cant let him do this! Where is he? Please where the fuck is he?!

"Why are you crying?" A young girl, probably Not even 5 comes up wiping a tear "n nothing I..I'm going see Colby" I get up running up the stairs with the Letter and the necklace around my Neck so I don't drop it "Colby!" I run into the room, hes not there "Have you guys seen Colby?" They shake their and point to his bed, another letter, not to me but An adult, Its so sad that he thinks this of himself.

Where can he be? I check the bathrooms, Secret hallways, Our secret meeting places, And The Cupboard he used to hide in... Hes not anywhere.. did he leave the property? No hes somewhere around here, he- The roof!

I Run up, Ignoring The odd stares and the Adults trying to make me stop, I stop and open the door, running up the small staircase of 10 and see him on the edge.

"Colby!" I pull him from behind and he Gasps, hes crying "No! No! Sam I need to go! Please just let me go!" He goes back to the ledge and stands there turning around "No Colby please... You honestly Think I can live if your gone? Who do I fight with over the stupid remote Or Something and who am I supposed to Have a christmas with?... You Colby... You can't leave me" Crap I'm Crying, well so is he so...

Hes still not backing down "Please Colby please don't leave me here alone" he Looks back to the ground "I.. I Can.. Theres Still Hope for you Sam, Not me.. I'm so sorry" He turns around, Not jumping yet, but still to close to the edge "No! Please give me 10 Days! Give me 10 days and I'll give you 10 reasons to live! Please Colby just 10 days!" I hold his hand trying to make him come down "Only..10 days and.. If the reasons are good enough maybe I'll make it through" I pull him down hugging him "10 Days..Just..10 days.. If the reasons aren't good enough..then you can..But I'm coming with you" hes holding me like he always did when i was upset "No your not" I cry more which is not surprising.

Day 1
Colby.. Last thing on my mind and my first thought in the morning "Sam wake up" it's not Colby.. no its, The girl I was talking to before "Katrina?" I sit up, Colby.. I need to give him a reason "Yeah get up before you get in trouble" I nod, I don't want to get in trouble

"Reason Number 1.. Who's Gonna be With me when I'm Dumped by a straight guy? Or any guy?" He sighs standing up "Bad Reason.. You can Go to Your parents.. Or a sibling if theres any.. And if they do their stupid not to" shit well I guess the last was good?.. No good I guess.. Why does he have to feel this way? Why does any of this have to happen...

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