Chapter 2 Day 0

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^That's what their Wearing and what they look like but maybe a bit younger^

Today were allowed to go outside for 5 hours "Colby want to go to the park with me?" He nods getting on a red sweater, I smile, running down the stairs "Mrs. Andrew's were going To the Park for a bit!" I say not waiting for a response and running out of the door.

"Look at those freaks..Don't Go near them"

"I didnt even know they let them out"

"Look at those guys, No wonder they dont have families..I wouldnt want them either"

"Their Weird.. Why do they not have family?.. is it because they were bad and they weren't loved by their Daddys and mommy's?"

We hear those everyday, anywhere, not from just parents and adults..But they teach their children the same thing.. I mean Did you hear the last thing was said 'their weird..why do they not have a family?.. is it because they were bad and weren't loved by their Daddys and mommys?" I sigh, I look at my hands and see colby finally move positions, whispers in my ear "Don't listen to them..You know it's not true" I smile, And sit there Smiling at the kids who resumed playing on the swing set, I never Went on them much as a child, mostly because I was kicked off of them because i was known as the neglected child.. then my parents Died and Was brought to the Orphanage.

(^^That's how they are sitting at the Park btw^^)

Except when I'm looking at colby he looks mad..No sad, Maybe Jealousy, and maybe even Lost in thought.

Wonder how these People can be happy with no problem, How come I was never wanted like  this, Why was it like they were wanted and told they were loved?

It's like a foreign language to me, I don't understand What it means. Last night Sam asked me if I really wanted him as a brother..I mean of course I do, but how do i tell him i don't want to live anymore If I'm not wanted or ever going to be picked by 2 loving parents that want me and Sam, Nobody even wants one, so how do I expect to ever be picked.


I mean, I would love for Sam to go on road trips or Go to the LA Zoo, or Have BBQS or Birthdays, And I want him to have christmases with the best family he can have..Maybe I'm holding him back.

"Sam..Sam we been out here for 3 hours We have to start heading back" He sighs standing "Ok...I dont want to go back...Please can we stay for 10 more minutes?" He begs, except not on his knees.

I sit holding his hand smiling "We can stay as long as you want" he smiles "Can we go on the swings?"
I nod He gets up Running and choosing two swings at the end for us to sit on, I get the end and hes right beside me.

I just want. No I wish I can give Sam the best parents..Family, pets, and The Stupid Christmases...

No they aren't Stupid, Their his.

"Co-Colby How long were you at the house before...before I got there?" I look down at my hands, Folding them "3 years" he looks at me shocked "you been there since you were 7?!" I nod "I..."
"I really don't mind, Its no big deal, Its easy, Just forget everything About your life before, don't get your Hope's up...Ever, And don't get attached..No matter what..And dont ever Expect to leave"

He just stares at me, Sadly, And stops swinging, 2 couples, Stop and stare, I just stare them in the eye, When they get uncomfortable And Walk away fast "Is..Isn't that sad Though?" I shake my head and begin my long talk that I was going to give him on the roof.

"That's how you have to live Sam..Your going to have to get used to it..I mean look at us, Nobody wants a Teenager Sam..Nobody wants 16 year old boys...Were probably Going to be Kicked out cause we should be old enough to look after ourselves... but honestly look at us  We can barely Cook, we can barely Pass School Without failing Atleast 2 subjects that we can obviously do..Then that adds more to being losers.. Screw ups..Literally every swear word in the book I remember being called because I didn't have parents.. You kinda Get used to being the unwanted...We just have to wait for the world to change.. But we both know it's not...So we get to make it better for people like that or like that" I say pointing to babies in a stroller and the toddler Playing with a dandelion.

"We..I mean Let's go To the house" I nod, I sigh, Sam is Sad...Again.

When we arrived you can feel the dark gloomy era kind of thing that you start to feel when you go to a haunted house or just a dark place in general.

They yelled at us For being out later than allowed, I shrugged it off, I got yelled at all the time..But Sam Is like the Goody Two shoes type of person, So he Started Stuttering out his sentences then he just nodded along to the punishments we were going to recieve.

The walk up the stairs were very quiet, Not much conversation, until Sam had to go to his Shared room, We sleep on different floors, completely different rooms, But I always seem to be sadder when I leave him...

... Sometimes to sad.

Tonight I'm gonna do it. I'm not going to dinner, I'm not eating, I'm putting my letter in Sam's Bed, and then Orphanages letter on my bed.

I made sure to leave My necklace for Sam.

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