chapter 9 Day 7

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^that's the necklace I'm talking about, I think I can't remember if its that one or a different one, But Colby wore that one in some videos I think but I know he has one like that. :)

Day 7. Only three more days to go,  maybe I won't be here, I don't want to be here, everyone sees that I may be getting better, they see the smile they hear the laughter but they don't see the tears and the pain, the thoughts that keep your mind elsewhere when you need to do school. Which is another reason, when your stuck in your mind you miss school mentally which makes you not able to learn and keep those things in your mind, you just see a blur of letters, words and the occasional numbers. Then the itchy feeling on my arm distracts me also, Its so itchy I want to scratch it, but if I do then that means they can reopen, Then that's gonna be worse.

School is useless, Most of the things were learning is for specified jobs, or specified learning, If I'm not gonna make it older than 16 theres no point in learning.. is there?

Another reason, I need another reason and find Colby, he's late for class, again, he's already I'm trouble does he not get that at all? Or did he stop caring?

He comes in, sleepy, tired, exhausted, Everything that defines Tired he is, He itches at his arm while playing with his pencil, tapping It, up and down, Over and over.


Class is finally over, thank God, it was so boring. Colby gets up quickly running to the bathroom, odd, Maybe he needed to go badly and didn't find the need to ask because class was almost over? I dont know but he sure ran fast enough, he even left his books, I can bring them to his room I guess before lunch starts and they lock up the classroom.

I sit at a 4 seater table, Xepher and Kat already eating. Where are you Colby? "Hey Sam, me and Xepher were bored in class and though of Sneaking out, but then we didn't want to cause we chickened out, so later today were sneaking out, like 10ish, so you an Colby want to come?" Wait, they got scared to sneak out of class but they will sneak out of the actual building? This makes no sense "Oh um, sure I can go, just i don't know if Colby wants to" she smiles "If I don't want to what?" I jump, jeez he comes out of no where, enters with silence "We were gonna sneak out, wanna come?" He sits pulling his sleeve over his hands "Where to?" He's not eating again "We were gonna sneak out to the diner, Get something better than this to eat" kat says while pointing at the sludge of apples sauce and a sandwich "We have money please Colby come" he sighs "Sure sure I guess" he laughs, but theres is no happiness anymore, just a dry laugh that can trick people into thinking their happy "Reason Number 7, What about your friends? Xepher and Kat what about them? They care for you too you know, what is gonna happen when it effects them?" I whisper into his ear, he sighs, maybe he's already given up and hes just waiting for me to fall and put down the walls that u put around us so he doesn't get hurt, can he see that I'm falling? That I'm loosening my tight vision and thoughts that wrap around him? That I'm watching him closely so he doesn't hurt himself?

Because I think he does.

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