Chapter 10 day 8

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We didn't get caught last night, which I find it good, and bad, we left the premises, we left and we could have got hurt, but I guess it was worth it becuase we did end up going to the arcade house, it was surprisingly still open, but again I don't know much about arcade games and everything so I played the good ol' classic pacman, it's really fun, but it gets frustrating when the little ghosts eat you and you weren't near them so their probably rigged to go faster and faster each round till all your doing is waiting your tokens and then you need to buy
more cause you want to finish it or beat it.

Which leads me to my 8th reason, fun, he should try have fun.

Everyone doesn't suspect much today, they don't suspect that us 4 left last night, Not that they care for two of us anyways.

"Reason number 8, Have some fun, wait and be patient for a family to come, someday they will, even if that's not today or tomorrow, I know you waited long enough but please wait, you barely lived Colby, your only 16, have some fun, sneak out, Do something crazy, And live"

I dont know if they even helps, I don't know of he even listened to me cause he's so far out for me to reach and pull him back.

Chapter 9 unpublished its self so I put that back up again, this chapter was made on the bus ride, it's also short because I can't think of anything else to write for right now, but I do have ideas.. oh wait pretend I didn't say that.. lol bye :)

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