Chapter 13 day 0

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4 years later~

Age: 21

The concerts about to begin, I'm hyping myself up, waiting for the others to come and join me backstage, Elton Castee, my drummer is here laughing with Corey another Singer, well were a band, a band of 5 idiots, Me, Corey, Aaron, Mike and Jake, now I give all the credit to jake, he writes songs like he can write the alphabet, it comes so easy to him, now its not just him ok.

Their so loud, they are chanting our names "So Sam are you ready?" I nod, you can hear the intro to our song start, and everyones cheering.

Sam's song is Hold on by Chord Overstreet :))

20 minutes later~
After songs and songs off our first album, everyone quiets down on the stage, the blue light shines on me, colbys favourite colour "you all know the words sing along if you want" the piano starts playing and I start singing. . . This is for you Colby.

I remember that time we were 14 we had icecream, popcorn, and we were out by the park, having fun like children should.

And then when we were 15, We were on the roof, the roof of our 'home' and he was counting the stars, he thought I was asleep but I wasn't.

That day will never be forgotten, that image is burned in my head like a fire on dry grass, I can still hear the 'no' that medic gave me, I still remember them watching me like a hawk, Made sure I wasn't alone for more than 5 minutes, my counseling was more frequent, even the news got ahold of his story, I still have his necklace, always wearing it. The newspaper wanted to talk to me, reporters, everyone. . .  But they only cared when a life was taken, they never cared before this, only after. The orphanage was shut down, after they realized that they were stopping the adults from taking and adopting a child, so they were stopping them from access to us, so Colby could still have been alive, he could have been here with me, I was so happy when a married couple took me in, I was 17 and they still wanted me. Then I was noticed and I joined a managment team and became a band with 4 idiots.

Everyone is already crying, their crying just like me. At the end of the song I put both my hands up, everyone copies me and I cry. . .

Treat people with kindness.

The End.

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