Chapter 11 day 9

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Maybe I am stupid of thinking of ending it at age 16, but then again the monster is saying I should just do it cause no one even cares their just worried about their reputation here, a teen suicide at an orphanage would get publicized, and then their gonna worry and then their gonna see if something was wrong here and there is, there's totally something wrong. The only person I know is safe so far is my therapist, he just got here though, he won't last long cause he'll get bored of me soon to.

I'm to much of a chicken to run off for a couple days to have fun, not like I have the money to anyways, too much a chicken to have fun, to sneak out.

I don't know where Sam is but he's probably with Xepher or Kat, Having fun not worrying about me, which is probably a good thing, he should be away from me, I should be locked in a small room, and stay there so I don't ruin anyone else by making them think I'm ok and thinking I will live when I know I will not be tomorrow night. Yes I got a new way and no I'm not telling Sam, I'll be at dinner, I'll wait till Sam is in bed like everyone else and I'll have all night, Before they find me and try stopping me.


Well its Dinner time, And Colby isn't here, Its only day 9, But he could still do anything, Really he could, I hope he's not.

Night time~

"Reason Number 9.. why? Give me more reasons please why you want to do this? Please Colby!" He sighs "That's not a reason Sam" he walks out leaving me, not even answering my questions.

"Psst sam!" Huh?. I open my eyes seeing Xepher And Kat "Were sneaking out again you and Colby want to come?" Oh, I shrug closing my eyes again "Fine how about we just leave Kat" they sigh, leaving, Wait "Wait I'm coming!" I whisper slipping my feet into my shoes, getting a black sweater "where we going?" She pulls me out of the room "A party" I yank my arm back "No way I'm going to a party I'm going to bed" they sigh "You need to come because what if something happens?" Of course, oh my god why did I do this in the first place?

The lights are very bright, I didn't know they have any of these kind of lights, even the music it's to loud their making my ears hurt, who can stand to listen to this? There's barely any lyrics "were going home we been here for 4 hours and everyones about to wake up!" I can barely hear myself yelling "What!?" Shes dancing and laughing, her type of fun "c'mon!" I yell pulling them both "Why!?" She pouts, I grab Kat and lead them put of the noisy house "Why are we leaving?" Kat says while still getting over her laughing fit inside "Its almost daylight and everyones gonna wake up at home" she sighs but nods.

Their well out of their happy mood now, their sad, they wanted to stay, have fun. I open the door "Sam!" Oh crap "Where have you been!?" She flicks a light on "ah Look all 3 of you are here, Now would someone like to tell me what you were out doing?!" I don't know what exactly to say, I never been in trouble trouble before "An arcade" I lie, it would be worse if we were dressed for a party, cause then I wouldn't be able to lie like this "Ok, off to bed, you 3 I will talk to in the morning" she goes off in a yawn, shutting the door, the girls quietly laugh and run off to their rooms, honestly their mood changed fast from scared to happy.

I'm writing this during art and couldn't think what the hell to paint so I wrote, which..idk but I should probably start by doing something lol

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