//Chapter 11//

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IN A ROOM SURROUNDED by darkness were three people.

Two were awake while the last slept, using his father's lap as a pillow.

Claude ran his hand through the soft, silky white locks of his son while observing the piece of chocolate on his free hand.

"Isn't she a bit brazen? She must get that from Diana." he finally spoke, breaking the silence.

The red haired guard that stood behind him answered "Lady Diana was definitely the type to leave a lasting impression on anyone."

"A year longer and I would have forgotten that wench's face." Claude said coldly.

Felix pursed his lips before speaking again, quickly changing the topic "Did you enjoy your meal with Princess Athanasia?" he smiled brightly "...Isn't she truly a lovely Princess?"

Claude's eyes glowed with mana "Lovely. I lost such emotions to anyone else other than Athanaris a long time ago." He then looked down at Athanaris whose sleeping peacefully "...This child is the only one I need."

A heavy atmosphere surrounded them, Felix looked ahead and stared at the painting of Penelope.

"Leave us, I feel tired."

Claude stood up, carrying Athanaris before going to the large bed.

"...Blessings and Glory upon the Obelian Empire." and with that, Felix left.

Athanaris stirred awake and saw his father's cold face, although there's a hint of distress that only he can see.

He caressed his father's blonde hair and asked "What's wrong father?"

Claude looked at him and his eyes softened "It's nothing, just sleep."

Claude put his hand on Athanaris's forehead, casting magic on Athanaris.

Athanaris felt drowsy, his eyelids dropping, he smiled one more time  before saying "Mnm... Good night father." and falling asleep.


A MONTH HAS PASSED, Claude has moved their tea time in the morning, at 10 o'clock.

Athanaris would occasionally join them if he didn't have any paperwork or training, like now.

The three were sitting in under the shade in the garden.

Athanasia bubbling about her dreams and anything she could say, Athanaris inserting some comments here, Claude was only watching them with half-lidded eyes.

"Big brother, what are you drinking?" she asked curiously.

Athanaris smiled "It's just milk tea."

Athanasia's mouth formed, releasing a silent 'Oh' before turning to Claude whose spacing out once again "Papa, is that good?"

"It's not enjoyed for it's taste."

"Athy wants what Papa's having!"

Felix intersected, saying it was too strong for her, Athanasia pouted, complaining and Claude allowed her.

Athanasia savored it's smell first before taking a sip "Athy likes it too!"she said and Athanaris nodded, he have tasted it once, it was delicious but that type of tea is not his cup of tea.

"It feels like flowers were blooming inside Athy's mouth."

Athanaris froze, his lips pursed and his hands shook before he set his cup down it's saucer, forcing up a smile, the type of smile he uses when he was meeting the nobles because he doesn't know how to smile at that statement.

"...I see you have taken a liking to it. It's called Lippe tea, His Majesty enjoys it as well. Lady Diana had also enjoyed it. "It feels like flowers were blooming inside my mouth." is what she said."

Athanasia glanced at Claude and asked curiously "Mommy asked the same thing as Athy?"

Athanaris's hold on the teacup tightened and he closed his eyes 'Please stop Athanasia.'

Felix smiled and started to tell Athanasia how Diana got Claude to enjoy the tea, how this place is where they would enjoy the tea together untill Claude ordered him to leave.

His eyes was still glowing and Athanaris took hold of his hand, seeing the slight sad and hurt look hidden behind the emotionless face of Claude.

Claude slightly calmed down and he closed his eyes and the rest of the tea time was spent in silence.


THE SUNLIGHT SIPPED THROUGH THE LARGE WINDOWS, casting a golden glow on the two.

Claude is laying on the bed, his head pillowed by Athanaris's lap, the latter humming silently while running his hands in Claude's hair.

"How are you feeling father?" he asked.

Claude's eyes opened and one of his eyebrows raised "Why wouldn't I be?"

Athanaris frowned "You know what I mean."

"I do. It doesn't affect me anymore."

Athanaris knew it was a lie but let it slip.

Silence surrounded the two.

"Say Athanaris." Claude said and Athanaris looked down on him, Claude hugged his waist and burried his face in Athanaris's stomach "Will you leave me?"

Despite the cold tone, it still have a hint of desperation in it, making Athanaris's heart clench.

He knew that feeling.

He was alone his previous life, mocked and belittled by others, bullied by his peers and betrayed by his love.

He now see the signs that his ex-fiancee only wanted his money, power and fame now that he looked back to it but he was blind to it because he was desperate, desperate to find someone who will love him, either it was familial or romantic.

Now he have it and he doesn't want the person who gave him familial love to suffer alone, he will be with him, will lend his shoulder for support untill he didn't need it anymore.

He bugged his father's head, brushed back the golden locks and kissed his forehead softly and smiled "I promise, I won't leave father."

Claude hummed in satisfaction, finally falling asleep with a small smile.

Athanaris used his magic to get the blank papers and pencil.

He started to draw his father, and him in one picture, next was with Athanasia and lastly, he included Diana in the last.

He sighed and looked towards the window, only to see the sun was about to set.

He placed the first and second drawing on the bedside table while hiding the third one.

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