//Chapter 8//

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ATHANARIS TILTED HIS HEAD TO THE SIDE CUTELY, upon noticing the bite mark, he asked innocently "Ehh~? Why is there a bite mark on the golden angel Father?"

Claude glanced at it for a second before looking back at Athanasia who flinched at the stare directed at her.

Felix saw it and nodded in understanding "Maybe she thought it was a toy." He said.

"She must've wandered off during playtime. Felix " Claude said then tossed her carelessly at Felix "Carry her. I should have some tea with my guest."

He held out a hand to Athanaris "Let's go Athan"

"Okay Father!" He said, happily accepting the hand.


Athanaris stared, rather amusedly at the sight in front of him.

"I didn't know you couldn't speak."

Claude said and Athanasia just hic'ed in response, trembling and avoiding his gaze.

"Well, this is boring. Not much of a talker?"

"Athy can talk" she said, tilting her head slightly and giggling cutely.

'She's rather cute but...' Athanaris frowned for a second before it disappeared 'It's fake. I wish a day would come where she wouldn't wear that expression and smile.'

"Finally, I get to hear your voice. Why did you stay silent until now?"

Athanasia didn't answer this time.

Felix leaned forward and whispered to Claude "Pardon me your majesty, but little girls around the Princess's age are known to be very shy."

"Is that so" Claude then stared at Athanaris whose sitting beside him, sipping his tea "Then why is it that Athanaris tend to hit me and drag me around back then?"

Athanaris chocked on his tea, coughing violently as Claude patted his back.

When he calmed down, he glared at Claude whose unaffected. Seeing that, he just huffed and looked away, not noticing that he have puffed out his cheeks.

Claude's eyes gleamed in amusement before turning back at Athanasia.

He leaned back and called out "Felix"

Felix answered "Yes, your majesty?"

"Leave us"

"Is his highness going to leave too?"

Athanaris was about to get up when Claude held him down by wrapping an arm around his waist.

Claude then glared at Felix "No, he'll stay"

Felix bowed once more before going to the door, glancing worriedly at Athanasia before finally going out, closing the door with a small click.

Claude released Athanaris from his god and propped his face against his right knuckle, eyes closed "Athy is it? Must be a pet name."


"Athanasia... What a name. Do you know the meaning of that name?"

Athanaris tenses up unnoticeably and glanced warily at his father.

'Although I can't blame him... He, after all, have received such a name'

Athanasia obviously knows what the meaning of the name, 'Athanasia' the name of the king.

The princess decided to play innocent and tilted her head cutely, acting clueless.

"To dare give her own child such a name to a girl at that. She would've had her limbs ripped off if she had survived labor."

Athanasia glanced at his brother whose lazily putting pieces of cakes in his mouth with a faraway look.

Claude noticed and run his hand through Athanaris's white locks, caressing his head with such care and gentleness.

"And Athanaris here will be inheriting the throne once I retire"

Athanaris tilted his head in question but Claude just brushed it off and looked at Athanasia who just sat there, smiling brightly, looking like a harmless little animal.

"Why are you just sitting there? Go ahead and eat or Athanaris would eat all of it untill there's nothing left"

Athanaris gave a loud "Hey!" in reply and hit his arms lightly and pouted at him, Claude chuckled.

Athanasia seeing this looked quite amazed 'So Claude can be like this...' and then he glanced at her slightly, she sweat dropped 'But only for Big Brother of course, what was I thinking?'

"Okay Athanaris you can stop now." Claude said monotonously, although there's a hint of amusement in it.

He turned his icy cold eyes to Athanasia once again "I ordered them to bring out something kids would like. If you don't eat then I will have to punish the cook"

Under the gaze of Claude, Athanasia trembled and picked up the fork, saying a quick "Thank you for the food!" before eating a piece of cake and smiled although her expression says otherwise as she looked like she was about to puke at any minute.

"Who taught you manners?" Claude asked, now leaning forward and tapping the table.

'I just noticed... Father moved a lot even when sitting.' Athanaris thought with a slight giggle.

"Lily taught me." Athanasia answered.

"I see. You are talking about Lilian York"

Athanasia was shocked while Athanaris was not, he already knew because of Felix filling him in on what he have missed from his two years in coma.

"5 years ago she stepped up and have requested to be the one take care of you. That lady must be still with you. She also took charge of the ruby palace."

Inside, Athanasia was moved to tears because of Lily but remained smiling on the outside.

"How dare she. The only two people who survived after getting in my way were your mother and that wench"

Athanasia munched nervously and avoided eyes contact.

"Father say ah~" Athanaris said, holding out fork with a mocha cake.

Claude opened his mouth and let his son feed him and he smiled softly at the smiling child.

He turned back to Athanasia once again. (seriously? He's always turning back and forth! *Ahem* back to the story.)

"As you sit there, are you aware of who I am?"

Athanasia froze and dropped the fork st the table.

Claude started to tap the table in a rhythmic pattern as he stared at her, waiting for the answer.

"F-father?" Athanasia said nervously and Claude stopped, head cocked to the side, his index finger was on his chin in a thinking pose.

Athanasia tried once again "...Papa?"

Claude froze and raised his head.

Athanasia smiled brightly "Papa!"

And the rest of the tea time was spent in a warm atmosphere.

Athanaris broke the awkwardness by telling jokes and smiling, making the two relax in his presence.

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