//Special Chapter: Christmas//

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WHITENESS COVERED THE GROUND and white flakes of snow continued to fall as the loud, happy chatters of the people was heard throughout the whole Obelian empire as they decorated their houses with colorful banners.

In the palace, a prince was still sleeping soundly, not even stirring despite the loudness of the rushing maids outside.

He just laid there, unmoving, a peaceful look on his face as untill he heard the noise, his lips pucked in a pout, brows furrowed, showing displeasure at the loud people.

After a moment, it was silent once again and the face relaxed as the prince slept without disturbance and that is untill......

"BIG BROTHER!!!" the door banged open and in came a cute little blonde princess, she jumped at him, successfully waking the prince with an aching stomach.

"Oww~ Why up so early Athanasia? I still wanna sleep~" the prince whined while rubbing his stomach, slightly wincing.

"Ehehe, wakey wakey big brother, it's Christmas! C'mon, get up! Get up! Also, it's going to be noon soon." Athanasia exclaimed excitedly, smacking his stomach once again, earning a small 'oof' from the other.

"Okay! Okay! I'm up!" He sighed and sat up properly.

"Go out first, dear sister. I still have to change."

Athanasia beamed happily before skipping out, closing the door with a small 'click' in the process.

Athanaris sat there, staring blankly at the opposite wall before falling back down the soft mattress of his bed, snoring softly once again.


ATHANASIA POUTED, it has been half an hour since she left Athanaris's room and he has yet to come out so as much as she didn't want to ask Claude for help, she have to.

She barged in his office and smiled brightly at him "Merry Christmas Papa!"

Claude just stared blankly and an awkward silence passed them untill he managed to return a small nod.

"Ehehe, Athy wants to eat with Papa and Big Brother but Big Brother doesn't want to wake up. What do I do Papa?"

Claude frowned slightly before getting up and continued to walk out.



"ATHANARIS WAKE UP." a calm yet cold voice said as the owner slightly shook the sleeping prince.

Athanaris groaned softly before opening his glazed eyes.

He stared for a minute before realizing whose face it was and shot up, hitting his forehead with Claude's in the process.

Small tears appeared at the side of his eyes as he rubbed the red spot on his forehead.

"Ah! I'm sorry, A-Are you okay Father?"

Claude just nodded a little before patting his head.

"Get dressed, it's already afternoon."

Athanaris tilted his head "It is?"

Claude nodded before standing up and walking out of the room.

Athanaris hurried himself and bathed, picked out an outfit and brushed his hair before going out with a bright smile.

"Merry Christmas!!!" He exclaimed loudly as he went in the dining room where Claude and Athanasia was waiting.

"Merry Christmas Big Brother!" Athanasia greeted back while Claude just nodded with a hint of smile plastered on his face, telling him to sit.

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