//Chapter 7//

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TEN YEARS OLD ATHANARIS sat beside his father, looking at the scene in front of him blankly.

Listening to the nobles bickers like dogs barking to each other is not entertaining. AT. ALL.

He was reminded of his past life. When he was a president and they have a conference, he will just sit there looking boredly and impatiently at the members while they're arguing.

He looked over his father whose looking at the bickering nobles with uninterested eyes, his head was propped against his left hand, his right index finger tapping impatiently against the armrest of his throne.

Athanaris looked absentmindedly at the nobles, thinking about visiting Athanasia later on.

He snapped out of his thoughts when a noble proposed something.

"Your majesty, I suggest for his highness to take a fiance"

Claude glared at him, making the noble shrink to himself.

"No" he growled out.

"B-but Y-Your Ma-Majesty-"

"A no is a no. You can't decide on something you shouldn't."

Surprised, they snapped their heads to the prince sitting beside his father.

The prince looked at them very coldly and they shivered.

It was the first time seeing the prince looked like this, usually he was all smiles and full of emotion.

But now...

He looked livid and then he suddenly calmed down but...

His eyes held no emotion, gone was the warmth and gentleness in them.

His face is stoic and cold, almost like the emperor's.

Claude was slightly shocked but didn't show it on his face as it remained as stoic as ever, he have only seen his son look like that once.

Athanaris glared at them once again making the nobles shiver in fright.

Felix glanced at the nobles then at the prince 'That's right..... Even thought his highness is someone kind hearted and gentle, he still is the son of the emperor and...'

"B-but Y-Your highne-"

"Enough is enough. This matter is something you shouldn't put your paws to"

'He can snap too. More scarier than the emperor even'

Athanaris closed his eyes, calming down a little.

Claude noticing to this, dismissed meeting at once.

When they all have exited the meeting room, Claude turned to Athanaris who sighed tiredly, eyes still closed.

He got up quietly and scooped Athanaris up and held him tightly, earning a squeak from the younger.

Athanaris blushed "Father! Please put me down. It's embarrassing."

Claude chose to ignore him and walked out with Athanaris still secured in his arms and Felix following in tow.

"Let's take a walk"

Athanaris just nodded and rested his head on his father's shoulder, looking dazedly at the passing scenery and not long after, he saw a familiar bundle of joy biting at the golden statue.

He grinned and was about to greet her when he was suddenly but gently dropped at the ground by his father.

He silenced himself seeing the look on his face.

Claude's shadow loomed over the small figure of the child making the latter flinch.


Athanasia flinched hearing the cold voice.

"...Is this filthy bug doing in my palace"

Athanaris gulped and got a hold of Claude's right hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

Claude glanced over at him for a moment before turning his attention back at the child, though he still squeezed the smaller hand back gently.


A bag of riches fell down from Athanasia, Athanaris would've laughed if not for the heavy atmosphere, Claude on the other hand, didn't pay it any attention.

"That face I've seen it before"

Athanasia looks very scared.

"...Yes. Was it the dancer from Siodonna. You look like that wench"

Athanaris knitted his eyebrows into a frown and he bit his lower lip in displease but stayed quiet nonetheless.

Claude released Athanaris's hand and kneeled down to Athanasia's height before he lifted her chin to look straight to her eyes.

"Then again it doesn't matter who she came from"

"Your majesty"


Felix and Athanaris said at the same time with nervous sweat rolling down their face.

"And I think I remember... What that wench named you. I believe it was Athanasia"

Athanasia felt so scared and she can hear her heart beating loudly in her chest.

"Back then, you were just a tiny bug that couldn't even lift it's head"

"...You've grown a lot"

Athanasia trembled under his gaze and when the atmosphere is so tense...


Another two bags fell off Athanasia and the its contents came pouring out.

Claude glanced at the ruby that bumped on his foot and stepped on it, breaking it into many little pieces.

He reached out to Athanasia making her scared even more as sweated bullets and looks like she's about to puke at any moment due to fright but then something unexpected happened...

Claude lifted her up to his eye level and suddenly blurted out "Your heavy"

"Pfft" Athanaris giggled slightly, his hand on his mouth to stop his laugh.

Athanasia looked over at him curiously, forgetting for a second the fact that she was still lifted up by Claude.

Claude noticed this and angled himself so that she can't catch even a glimpse of Athanaris and Athanasia turned to look at him once more with that frightened expression

"You have chubby cheeks, but I didn't expect you to be this heavy"

Athanaris giggled cutely at the background, holding his hurting sides.

Claude ignored him "Now, what are you doing in my palace?"

Then a lightning struck Athanasia as she screamed in her mind 'My Palace?!!'

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