//Chapter 3//

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Athanaris's outfit at the banquet ↑. Also, photo is not mine.

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It has been three years since the birth of the crown prince, the sunshine of the palace and the kingdom.

Everyday since the prince started walking, he would wander around the palace and other places, sending the whole palace in a panic and as a punishment, he is not allowed to wander around without either Felix or Claude but mostly Claude.

Currently, the pair of father-and-son is in the office, sitting in silence.

Athanaris was sitting on his father's lap, a book in hand, reading it quietly.

Claude is signing paperworks, occasionally running his fingers through his son's soft white locks.

It is quiet, sure it is but not awkward and instead peaceful.

Suddenly remembering something, Claude placed his pen down and looked at his son with a serious expression.

"Athanaris, what do you want for your third birthday?"

Said prince looked up, a confused expression on his face before he got into a thinking pose, a very cute sight in Claude's point of view.

"Hmn. Father already prepared a banquet then..." he trailed off before looking up and straight at Claude's face with a bright smile "I will accept anything that father gave me!"

Claude sighed, a fond look on his face and patted his son's head one more time before doing his paperwork once more.



It's the day of the banquet, he woke up this morning like every other day only to be dragged to the bath by the maids.

He looked at the maids that is running around like headless chickens and yelling at each other frantically.

He was amused, really.

After hours of preparation he was ready, he stood before the maids who looked very proud at their masterpiece, they had also placed a little crown on the left side of his head.

The maids either blushed or had a major nosebleed and soon falling unconscious due to blood loss because of the adorable yet handsome prince in front of them.

Athanaris sweat dropped and chuckled, piercing their hearts once more with an imaginary arrow.

The head maid clapped her hands together, snapping them all out of their stupors.

"Alright alright, the Prince must be on his way now, His Majesty is waiting"

He walked out and saw Felix waiting.

Felix looked up and got startled by his appearance, a dust of pink covering his cheeks before he held out a hand for Athanaris.

Athanaris accepted the offered hand and the two went on their way.

From the top of the staircase, he saw his father, looking very handsome in formal clothing as he adjusted the cuff of his coat.

He went down the stairs to his father, smiling brightly at him.

"You look handsome father!" He exclaimed, raising both off his hands excitedly.

Claude smirked and decided to tease his son "Your looking quite cute aren't you?"

Athanaris pouted, hitting his arms lightly "Am not!" he huffed, crossing his arms and looking away.

Claude of course ignored him and instead held out a hand "Let's get going"

Athanaris accepted the offered hand and together, they walked to the large double doors.

The announcer visibly brightened when he saw the prince, he was ecstatic and so with the loudest voice he have used during the whole event, he yelled "MAKE WAY FOR HIS MAJESTY, THE EMPEROR CLAUDE DE ALGER OBELIA AND HIS HIGHNESS, THE CROWN PRINCE ATHANARIS ANGELO DE ALGER OBELIA!"

Claude glanced down at Athanaris, feeling slightly proud seeing that his son didn't tremble in nervousness despite his face showing no emotion on it.

The nobles bowed, chorusing "Blessings and Glory upon the Sun and First star of Obelia Empire."

Claude waved his hand, dismissing them before sitting on his throne and beckoning his son to follow.

Athanaris went to his father and was about to ask where he will sit when he suddenly got swiped off of his feet and the next thing he knew is that he is sitting on his father's lap.

He turned and faced his father only to see his father's smug face, an amused smirk currently playing on his lips.

His face turned beet red and whisper-shouted "Father! Please just bring me a chair!"

Still with the smirk on his face, Claude asked, an eyebrow raised "Why?"

"Because it's embarrassing"

"No." was the stern reply he received as Claude's arm snaked around his waist, holding him in place.

Athanaris just huffed and faced forward, a slight blush still in place.

He scanned through the whole ballroom with bored eyes untill his eyes met with someone else's.

A noble with black hair and eyes that is looking at him with a sadistic smirk on his face.

He narrowed his eyes at him, slightly tensed, his instincts telling him that the man is very dangerous.

They broke eye contact when the dancers from Siodonna.

One stood out the most, a woman with long, curly golden hair, slightly similar to that of his father and rose-colored eyes.

She danced gracefully at the dim lights of the ballroom, it's as if she's the only person in there, just enjoying herself.

Athanaris glanced at his father and saw the glint in his eyes, he smirked slightly.

After the dance, the dancer approached them and Athanaris learned her name, Diana.

He invited her to visit the palace to have some tea with them.

After that, they parted and the rest of the party is uneventful, sometimes Claude was getting angry at those nobles whose proposing a marriage between his son and their daughters.
No one deserves his son other than him, no one.

The two left the ballroom at midnight, Claude carrying a sleeping Athanaris in his arms as he made his way to his room.

He laid down and hugged Athanaris after he changed his and Athanaris's clothes into a more comfortable one.

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