a Book : Namjoon

237 9 7

13th December 2019

Sounds of paper had made its way through his ears albeit the busy atmosphere around the large living room that contained his breath.

"i wish it would stop raining"


Someone had called him from behind the soft leathered sofa, a little soft frown on his face didn't show the worry that was contained by the expressions he makes.


"are you ready yet?"

His smile was forced, but it was the best he can make of his current expression. The tugging in his heart was painful. But didn't make him want to lose the smile kind boy in front of him currently has.

"yeah kook-ah."

"Are you bringing that?"

"Yeah, ill try not to lose it"

The boy had made his expression brighter on purpose, at least it'll make his hyung smile easier.

"make sure not to lose this one hyung!"

"yeah.. "


Once again a weak little breath had escaped his mouth in the closed air of the iron bird.

The sound of paper brushing against each other had been more frequent, more than he had ever expect the simple blue hard covered book to make him more occupied. The book had a new but old feel to it, it had used a hard cover and old styled font and paper, it had his interest the moment he laid his eyes on it.

The softness of the words had made him feel better, clinging to that feeling to smile at least a bit more sincere. As his hands continued brush though the papers, his eyes skimmed the pages slowly enjoying every written words, every emotions poured into the sentences.

He had first noticed the book was a translated work from a language he didn't have the pleasure of learning to english, albeit the words are still poetic, simple but neatly written. Poetic but easy to understand.

He did have the urge to read fairytales sometimes, but not a lot in his credit, he liked psychology and mystery more, plenty of genres he had read and enjoy but it was a first that he liked a book this much.

Namjoon, a poetic person many people say he is.....smart and genius? He had never thought of himself as a genius. But he liked to think he was a pretty smart and poetic as the songs he had created.

In terms of reading he had been exploring every genres and categories. He gave many books at least one chance to be on his lap throughout the years. Except one, soulmates.

Soulmates had been the only genre he had avoided in the years he had been able to collect books. The love soulmates has was a little too irrational for his mind, how could someone love a person so much without knowing them first was too absurd in his opinion.

He had tried, many books has had the honor of laying on his lap albeit not longer than 10 minutes.

It was simple,

He simply lost interest in the story, plot holes, and reasons.

"but this one is......"

The theme was not so different from the rest of the Soulmate fairytales he had tried to read, there's love, conflict, bonds, unrequited love, and family.

But maybe he had been interested in it because of its choice of covers? Maybe because its a translated works?
He had doubt it though.
The book on his lap only had one flaw, well..... Most people would call it flaw.

"it doesn't have an ending....."

It had no ending, the story had stuck between the climax and conclusion. The book had no plot holes, so it was easy to guess its ending, but the words had stuck in his throat as he stared at the blank page that was supposed to be the ending.

"maybe i got the bad copy?"

The corners of his mouth had raised a little, he liked to think that was not the case.

The pages flipped through to the credits of the writer, there wasn't a picture.

He assumed the writer had used a pen name.

He was right.

"Aya Phoebe"

Hi again.

Its short and for my self love, i don't edit or review my works so mistakes and shortcomings are gonna be there

Besides, no ones gonna read this anyway lmao.

Im just making this for my own entertainment and to better my writing.

A Song and a Book (Namjoon Soulmate Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now