A Song : Soulmates

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20th December 2019
Province of Blitar, Indonesia.

Her breath hitched at the smell of grass and land, her body appreciated the fresh air as It entered her Weary body.

A older couple stands with smiles on their faces towards her.

"welcome home"

The smile she had on her face had come with a little bit of tears on the corner of her eyes.

"im home"


her parents never had much ever since her dad went bankrupt on her 10th birthday.

Her mother unfortunately had the will to leave her and her dad because of poverty.

Her dad was and still is a hero, he picked himself and her up from the worse ever position and remarried to a nice lady she can truly call mother.

She went to college and reminded herself that she will never have her marriage end up like her birth mother.

Her 16th birthday was a memorable one.

It was the day the world had decided to break most of the couples around the world up.


Many people had been surprised by the sudden phenomenon of soulmate bonds that appeared on peoples minds and bodies.

It had become a trend to have met your soulmates even now, it was fortunate that her father had met his soul mate even before it happened, her step mother is his soulmate.

Her on the other hand hated the thought of a stranger invading her mind and body.

But, she was just too naive to accept the thought that she cannot decide who will be her partner in life.

Her mind had clouded itself in bad thoughts about the what ifs of her soulmate.

Untill she knew who he is.

She had cried.

Not because he is a bad person, not because she doesn't want him.

But because she doesn't know how to even meet him, or how undeserving she is of him.

So she let it be.

The mark on her right arm had been her pride, and yet a thorn in her life. 25 was an old age to meet one's soul mate, people usually meet their soulmate at the age of 16 to 22.

But she was afraid to meet him, and yet she longs for it.

Tired of all the stares her family and friends had of her, tired of all the pity she had received from strangers and coworkers, she had quit her job and became a full time writer based in the main city.

She was lonely, and she was afraid of fate.


23rd December 2019
Province of Blitar, Indonesia

"Saya, I know you're happy but should you really be here right now?"

Her mother had been asking the same question after a 2 days she's been here.

The smile on her face had been wide as it is.

"yes mom, I'm trying to get myself back first, I've been too stressed for a long time now, and I just finished the last batch of my books, I've received some payments for it. I figured I could take a break"

Her mother had a little smile on her face.



Saya had spent her days in peace, watering the garden at her parents house, spending her time hiking with her mother and visiting many villages.

Her father had been happy she came home at this time.

But he was worried as every other day that his daughter would have a short life.

Soulmates are absolute.

Many people who did not meet their Soulmates died at a young age because they lack a complete soul.

Many symptoms had appeared on different people at different ages, the stronger the connection the more so.

Saya had depression and mental health since she was a child, doctors and psychiatrists had said the same things.

Soul defficiency.

"she is bound to a chain of unstable state of mind because of her soul bound"

"no medical treatment could help her mental health unless she meets her Soulmate"

Saya had to be careful at all times where her emotions overwhelms her especially when she panics and frustrated.


23rd December 2019
Seoul, Korea

The sound of pages turned at a steady pace, coffee on top of the intricate small wood table, his breath had been paced equally.

Namjoon had been reading all day in his free time.

His eyes had fluttered at the words, smile had came from his mouth easily as he turned the last page of the red thic covered book.

"no ending again."

The door opened to a loud sound.

"Namjoon ah, let's eat! You have been in here for who knows how long!"

His eyes shifted to the person standing at the door.

"hyung! Knocking would sound good wouldn't it?"

"I've knocked 5 times and where were you?"

"ahahah...... Yeah"

"and BTW, you've been obsessed with one author these days haven't you? I heard it's Soulmate themed from jk, I thought you're not interested in that?"

"oh yeah, I'm reading a book by Aya Phoebe, but I think a pen name though, their books are interesting and the use of words are really poetic and intricate"

Seokjin's eyes had went wide slightly.

"I actually know that author, jimin had been gushing over her books a week ago and I've been reading her first and second book to start. I actually enjoyed reading it especially her first book [my moon]"

Namjoon's eyes widen at that.

"eh? Can I borrow the first book? I've only read her recent books"

"ah yeah but it's jimin's he had been a fan of hers since a year ago you can borrow it from him. And while we're at it, let's go already! everyone is waiting in the dining room!!"

Note : not the best chaper I could produce, but college is starting again and I dedicate this chapter to the one person who is so excited about this book.

I hope you like it.

A Song and a Book (Namjoon Soulmate Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now