their Book

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Maybe she shouldn't have lied.

The look on her bright haired friend's face was a burden to her heart, she liked him. But it was just that.

Kim dojun's smile had not falter even after the very often times she had rejected his hand holding efforts.

They had enjoyed many tourist spots and places including some of the museums she had seen Namjoon visited.

It was one of the things she had enjoyed the most, she could feel the energy of her soul content even when its only her mind that knew he was here.

not that her companion had to know that.

Saya was determined on telling him at the end of today. She didn't want him to hold onto a hope that can't come true even if she doesn't have a soulmate, she would still not chose him.

He was her friend, and will always be.

"Saya? We should go to the park for the last destination, its nice and not crowded"

"Dojun, i have to tell you something"

Her eyes had faltered as the bright smile on her friend strained a little.

"Soulmate? As i said, you haven't even met him you should give me a chance"

He tried holding her hand for the 7th time today and still, she had put her hand away from reach.

"I...... He's here."

His eyes widen at that.

His smile had turned into a frown, placing his hands on her shoulders almost forcefully, a little tear had come from his eyes.

"You're here, to meet him? You know who? "


Her words paused as she searched again for the right things to say, maybe it would be better to stay silent.

His hands slightly trembled.


His face had shown so much sadness, enough to make saya felt too guilty to take his hands off her shoulders.

"Can you let go dojun? You're hurting me"

Her heart beats faster and trembled, butterflies running through her stomach as she felt his presence in that park

Saya's head had searched for him, her mind no longer thought of her bright haired friend who's still holding her shoulders tightly while having his head down.

His hold tighten once again as hissing sound came from saya's mouth.

"D.. Dojun? Let go please.... It hurts"


At that moment, time stoped as dojun's hands had been removed forcefully from her shoulders.

Big hands had scooped her to a warm embrace, a little tight but gentle, desperate almost.

"don't hurt her!"


Namjoon had a little time left before he had to go back to their dorm, the park had been inviting enough for a short walk.

Jimin had been happy with his new book, and he too had been happy. A little too much for his liking as he forgot about his hurt.

His heart had beat faster as he neared the park, the butterflies of his stomach responded to it as his mind filled with the words of "she's here"

How did he know it was a she? He had never thought that gender was important in a relationship.

His steps had gone from soft to desperately running towards the other side of the park. His mask had made his shortness of breath worse, but it was still tightly worn on his face.

His black beanie had been discarded to his right pocket as the sweat began to form on his forehead, a little grateful that his hair was still of dark color as to not catch too many attention.

The cream stained shirt he had worn flutter through the wind, a little bit regret had flowed in his mind at his current choice of clothing.

Untill he had seen a scene that made him see red.

Her face pale with guilt and hurt, her shoulders trembled at the pressure it endured.

Her voice begged him to let go broke namjoon's patience.

His hands moved on its own, as he grabbed the red haired guy's hand he almost screamed at him to leave but know better than attract attention.

Thats it. Thanks for reading this
And srry for the late almost nonexistent updates. I Will try to update more often.

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