a song : Namjoon

155 12 2

10th January 2020

His heavy breath alined with the other 6 heavy breaths, a tingle in his heart had cause him to lose a bit of focus.

Not missing any steps, that is the goal.

They stopped, the room had burned with their sweat and uncontrolled breaths and the sound of water being swallowed was often heard.

The seven of them had danced all day learning new Choreographies and it had taken them all day in the studio.

Still, his heart had tingled for a while, maybe more so in this couple of days.

The internet had shown that it was his soulmate, he was confused on how he felt about that.

"Hyung! How about we go for yakiniku today? The others wants to have dinner outside for a while now"

He smiled towards the deep toned brother of his.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. But we should shower at the dorm first. We smell pretty gross don't you think?"

Taehyung had to process what his hyung said just now. His laughter had echoed through the whole white painted studio.

"Hyung ahaha since pftt when did you care how you smelled pftttt i can't. This is seriously the first time i heard you say that. Usually you would only care about that when we said you stink and you don't even stink right now ahahaha pffftt"

The laughter had gone from one to 5 times the sound.

"You..... You felt your heart tingle for a few days didn't you?

Yoongi who had kept quiet finally opened his mouth.

Namjoon's eyes had gone wide at that. A little embarrassed at the thought of getting exposed by his brothers.

" Its a true sign that he's gonna meet his soulmate soon."


The sounds of showers had gone on in the 4 bedroom dorm apartment.

3 man sat down on on the soft light brown sofa of the wide luxurious but simple living room.

A pretty white thick covered book sat on Namjoon's lap, yoongi and jin quietly watched tv in their tired state.

Namjoon's sincere smiling face had not gone unnoticed by them.

The book had told a story of a boy, swallowed by his own feelings. A dagger in place of his heart, hurting every time someone stares at him.

And another point of view of a girl, who had everything she had ever dreamed of but always had to force a smile whenever someone looks at her.

The both of them are soulmates.

The book is called The Moon's pair.

It was Aya Phoebe's first book.


The white covered book had told the story from the boy's point of view.

It was beautiful and yet sad, heartbreaking, and full of patience.

Word by word had been written with so much thought into them, Namjoon thought that it was too well written to be a first book.

The other books that he had read so far had been good and entertaining, but not as much as this one.

The story felt too real, it had felt too emotional to be just an imagination.

"Hyung! We're all ready, you should continue reading in the car"


No shit that's the end yeeehh
Idk im in deep trouble srry for not updating when i said i will.

I will be able to update again in another 3 days.

A Song and a Book (Namjoon Soulmate Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now