a Book and a song : Saya

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29th December 2019
Province of Blitar,

"You should go to korea."

Her father had said that words many times in these days she had been home.
A serious tone he usually doesn't have in his voice when talking to her.

Her face had a bit of confusion in it, she had been trying to answer that statement.

"But, i thought you were happy i came home? "

Her father had smiled a little at that, but with a bit of sadness mixed in.

"I am happy you are here Saya, but im worried about you. Please, at least try to meet him. I am afraid you will not last long"

Her eyes widen.

"Im stable now, father. Im happy with how things are. And you used to say that we cannot force fate."

"You are not forcing fate by trying to meet him saya, im saying you have to push fate to the right track. Doing nothing is not good either."

Her father placed something on the table.

"Here is a plane ticket. I booked it for you for next year. I have arrange hotels and necessity. Please, just try. "

Saya smiled a little at her father's desperation.

"Okay, i will try. But there isn't any guarantee i will be able to meet him. As you know, He is not easy to meet with"

Her father smiled at that.

"Well, you never know dear"


5th January 2020
Jakarta, indonesia.

Saya had gone back to her apartment with a little worry over her head.

She stared at the plane ticket in her hand.

Never would have thought her father of all people would buy her this.

Still, too much time had past and she was getting hungry. It was 5 pm and maybe she didn't even have proper breakfast.

Saya had decided to go to the nearest mall and treat herself some sushi and maybe some korean food.

Grabbing her black leather bag she had gone out.

Her apartment isn't far from the mall so she had decided to ride the bus instead of calling an uber.

She had begun watching some bts performances inside the blue painted bus.

"Yeah..... Im in love..... But i hope not too deep. "

Her favourite songs had been of course from her soulmate. His playlist mono was always in her spotify lists of favorite albums.

She had wrote her books based on his songs. Well at least a few of them.

Her smile never stops as she walked down the bus towards the mall entrance. His voice is deep as the ocean and yet it is soothing for her tired mind.

She would have never thought she would enjoy rap as much as she did. But then again as long as it was his songs, bts songs she would love it.

At first, it was because of the lyrics, the lyrics to their songs had so much meaning and so real.

But then she had saw their live performance and vlive. Namjoon had accidentally poured water on his left arm and that's when she had realized he was her soulmate.

A year ago, her symptoms had began to worsen because of the news that Namjoon had met his soulmate.

She was in disbelief, depression had took over her soul and heart. Her parents had to flew to her apartment and stayed with her for a month before she had been able to calm down.

Her thoughts have been so ever worse, her life had depleted, the doctor even gave her anti depressants pills.

And yet she got better. The news had shown that Namjoon had been scammed by a fan. And Saya cried.

She cried for him and for herself. She smiled for herself after that. She had never before felt so relieved in her life.

But her mental state was worse than it had been when she was little. It had drained her mind and heart.

And so she lets it be.


Hii long time i haven't updated lol

Sorry i was sick and college really caused me some strain.

I will update one more chapter tomorrow on joon's pov

Sorry for this bad chapter. Not the best i could do

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