Banshee-44x Reader

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Warning(s)?: Kinda venty but not really just a little comfort oneshot
(Banshee's Point of View)
I feel the warm touch of her soft hands against my chest and I lie awake, going over my thoughts as a method remember who am I, who I was. I look at her again, she's gorgeous yet I can barely remember how we met, why we're together, and sometimes who she even is. I don't have as many issues remembering with her around though , so I push these thoughts away. I run my hand through her hair, her sleeping figure shivering under my cold touch. The morning light shining in through the window, wakes the sleeping guardian. She shifts in my arms and yawns.
(Your Point of view)
I feel the warm morning sun wake me from my dreamless sleep, I shift and feel metal around my waist and a metal hand in my hair. I smile weakly and I see the exo's head tilt. "You okay?" Banshee asks this and I sigh, bury my face between his neck and shoulder. "I don't want to do anything today, I'm sad and tired and unmotivated..." I say this softly and he pulls me closer, holding me gently yet also with large amounts of love. "I don't want to fight today...I don't want to fight and do strikes for the vanguard anymore at least for today." He sighs and rubs my back. "Take a break then." Banshee says this and I look up at him "can I?" He nods "if the vanguard ask say you need to rest." I love that he is trying to help me but I don't even feel the need to get out of bed, I'm to unmotivated for that, the simple task of getting up felt like to much. If the exo could breathe I feel like he would sigh, so he just sits up, making me sit up with him. "I know you don't want to Y/N, but we need to get up." I grab onto him and just hold him "only if I can be with you today." He chuckles and swings his legs off our bed, he adjusts his arms so he has me in his arms bridal style and he stands up. I smile and lay my head on his shoulder and hum a bit in content, I love when he is cuddle back to me. He places me down on the counter and stands so we're eye level. I can tell he lost his train of thought so I move my hand and gently run my fingers down his little head spikes as though it was hair. He remembers what he was going to do and grabs a travel mug "I'll make you coffee, if you go get dressed." I nod and hop off the counter, but before I leave I tell him how I like my coffee since every time he has made me coffee he has made it wrong, I love him and all but I also love a good cup of coffee. I go and get ready for the day. Shower, Casual comfortable clothes, no makeup today cause that's to much work, and all the other morning routine steps. I walk out of the bath room after I finished drying my hair and I notice a cup of coffee in my favorite travel mug on the counter, but no banshee. 'Did he leave without me?' I think this to myself as I look around the kitchen for him "Banshee?" I call this out with underlying panic in my voice worrying he left me. He walks out of our room, dressed for the day, but he walks out with a pace in his step to get to me. I sigh in relief as I see him and he puts a hand on the side of my face. "You're on edge this morning, I won't leave." I smile a bit and kiss his hand. "Grab a quick bite to eat, then we can go to the shop." I nod and grab a bagel to eat on the way there. I put the bagel and my coffee in my bag, along with my main smaller gun,some ammo, legendary shards,and some glimmer. I double check my hand bag and then put it on and walk over to Banshee who is already by the door. He opens the door and we both walk out. I take his hand and he chuckles at my little gesture but accepts it, wrapping his fingers around mine. We walk through the tower, we are silence but it is a very comfortable silence as we make it to the store. He throws a thing of keys at me and I open the front window where you can see into the little store booth,I jump over the counter and open the door letting Banshee in and I hand him the keys. He knows how much I love sliding over the counter. We both start setting up the shop and I notice a notepad I've never seen before. "Banshee, what's this?" I ask this as I hold the notepad, it was a list of names,places,dates,and stuff like that, next to them were photos and descriptions. "Just a list I keep around just in case." My heart sinks a bit when I realize it for not forgetting everything, I see him,myself,our anniversary, I see a list of people in the tower and when they first met, and a list of people no longer with us. He's trying so hard to not forget, but he's been reset so much he can't help it. I walk over and hug him, he drops the ammo cartridge he was holding and hugs me back, we don't break up the hug we just stand there. "You aren't going to forget me,or you, or us I promise." I tell him this, and he nods and sways us gentle. "I trust you Y/N...but what if I do?" I shake my head and tighten my grip on him "I'll be here to remind you or help you remember." He nods and lets go of me, leaning down and pressing his "lips" to mine, kissing and exo is strange but you get use to it. I smile at him and if he could smile I know he would. "Let's have a good day today alright?" He says this as he picks up the ammo he dropped and we both sit at the booth, he is tinkering with a gun and I am watching. "Alright, I love you." He chuckles "I love you too guardian."
Authors Note: Sad exo needs love so I provide.
Word Count: 1129
Rewritten: June 10 2022

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