Cayde-6 × Reader

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A/N: First request!!! So with request they will all be anonymous unlike my other books.
Warning(s): This might be a bit OOC but I'll try!
I've always been distant,I had to be for my job. As a hunter I had to be social and emotional distant,at least that what I believe I keep everything I feel to myself,some people say that I'm a cold rude person but I see it as a necessity,because if people get close with me they could get hurt. I do all of this yet some how he is always there,he still cares about me even though I'm trying to make sure he doesn't worry about me. This person being Cayde,my vangaurd. I keep up my act but he keeps breaking me apart but I can't let him see that I have fallen completely and helplessly in love with him. I with and run a hand through my hair as I sit at one of the outdoor tables of the spicy ramen shop. I eat my ramen in silent,no one tries to communicate with me due to me brushing everyone aside. I sigh and shake my head,I want to be more like myself but I can't have anyone get hurt,I'm their protector not their destroyer. I'm lost in my thoughts when someone sits in one of the empty chairs with me. "What's up guardian?" He says this as he places his bowl of ramen down on the table. "Nothing,just eating." He nods "Spicy ramen,best part about being vanguard and by best part I mean only good part." I hold in a life so I don't break. "Anything new happening with you?" I shrug "Not really since I have the rest of the day off." He puts his hand on my shoulder and stands up "Good! You get to hang out with me the rest of the day! And no you can't deny it." I sigh and finish my food "Where to first then?" "I need to go feed colonel." I nod and we both make our way to the chicken. He sits on the floor and opens his arms hugging the little chicken. I am dying on the inside he's so cute. "Can you grab the bird seeds?" I nod and grab the seeds and look back at him "Good now put some in your hand." I pour some of the seeds into my hand. "Now go on your knees." He pats a spot on the floor next to him and I sit down. Colonel sees the seeds and runs over to me and sits on my lap eating the seeds from my hand. Cade gives me a thumbs up and my persona breaks. I smile and let out a little laugh. "I knew I could do something to break your act!" He cheers this and wraps his arm around my shoulders and side hugs me. My smile gets wider. "Don't do that act around me anymore Y\N,you're cuter without it." I blush and nod at his comment. I lay my head against his shoulder and he lays his head on top of mine. "I. . .I've had a crush on you for a while Cayde. . ." I pet the fluffy chicken in my lap and blush. "It's good to know that it wasn't one-sided then." I look at him surprised and he winks.
A/N: I didn't really know how to write this but I tried my best,more Cayde stories will be in the future though!
Word Count: 600

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