Banshee-44 × Reader

825 18 3

I was just back to the Tower after a two week long bounty for the vanguard and I have never been so happy to be home. I walk over to Zavala and check in with him,informing him of the results. He sends me on my way now that he has no use for me and I stand in the crowded center for a bit. It was the middle of the day so tons of people were out and about from vendors and guardians to just normal light less humans. I decide to go visit Banshee since I haven't gotten to see him for two weeks. I make my way through the crowds to his booth,which is currently empty other than the exo sitting in it tinkering with a new gun. I walk up to the booth and smile as I call out to him. "I'm back!" I notice his head perk up and him carefully lay the work in progress rifle down and he goes to the side of the booth to let me in. I go to the side door and as soon as he opens the door I engulf him in a hug. He hugs me back picking me up ever so slightly. He places me back down and nuzzle the area on his face where his lips would be against my forehead. I blush and look up at him kissing his "lips" back. "I was getting worried about you." He says this in his normal monotone voice but I can hear some underlying relief in his voice to know I am back. "I was getting worried about you too,how has your memory been without me?" He snakes his arms around my hips and puts his chin on top of my head. "It has been a little worse the usually without you here to keep me on track." I look up into his electric blue eyes and he sighs. "I would forget somethings about us and then remember and I guess I just was having you drift from my memory without you here with me." I realize as he says this that it is similar to after Cayde's death,how without him stopping by and such the memory of him would fade from Banshee leaving me to remind him. I put my hands on his chest,I could feel the shapes of the metal piercing barely through the fabric of his shirt leaving small details of where his metal and wiring is. He removes his head from mine and looks down at me. "I won't let you forgot me I promise." I could see his cold metal face some how express a new found relief and comfort from my words. "I know you won't." He moves one of his hands from my waist to my hair to play with it as we talk. "If it helps, I'm taking a long break from doing big quests and stuff to help you run shop and take a long over due break." He looks surprised but he nuzzles his mouth against my forehead again,I shiver slightly under the cold metal making contact with me skin but it was not unpleasant. "Thank you." As he says this he notices a customer walk up,they wave a bit and smile. "Hey, I've got some trade ins."  I could tell the customer was uncomfortable with me and the exo's relationship. If it were two humans or two exos or two anything they would be fine,but Human,exo relationships are look somewhat down upon. He lets go of me and walks over to deal with the customer,I look through the scrap metal and trade ins that we currently have. Once Banshee finishes with the customer he walks back to me and notices that I am slightly annoyed. "Didn't like the looks he was giving us did you?" I hear the monotone voice behind me and I nod and he puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay Y/N, just ignore them." I look over my shoulder at him and smile,I nod. We both work through the rest of the afternoon with him doing the trades and deals and me sorting through the newly acquired weapons or junk to see what we could make with it. We finish around 12 AM today due to a lot of people coming in and I let out a yawn. He notices and turns over and looks at me in the back. "Tired?" I nod and he picks me up bridal style. I giggle and lay my head on his shoulder and my hands on his chest as he closes up shop. "We should get take in and watch a movie tonight." I suggest this and he nods "Sounds great."
A/N: Sorry I've been gone! Don't worry I am working on requests next chapter should be a Lord Shaxx x Reader,he's such a teddy bear my heart.
Word Count: 830

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