Chapter TEN

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Axle Paxton

Avalon's fingers thread through mine in the backseat of the taxi as it winds its way through the early morning traffic, heading north towards the Military base just outside the city..

Spending the night with her, holding her in my arms, the way her body fit so snugly against mine, it is a memory that could sustain me for a lifetime..

The perfect night..
With the perfect girl..

Just like a dream..

"You didn't have to come with me you know.. You could've stayed in bed, Princess.. " I squeeze her hand in my lap as she leans sleepily against my shoulder..

"I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be, Axle.." She turns to smile up at me, and I fall into the silver seas storming in her eyes..

"You're somethin' else, Peaches.." I brush the messy ruby curls away from her cheeks.. "Last night was-- fuck--"
I stop myself when I realise I don't have the words..
Amazing, incredible, mind blowing..
All these terms feel inadequate, and not nearly enough..

"It was perfect.." She whispers, leaning in to kiss me, softly.. Tenderly..
Her gentle coaxing tongue licking at mine longingly, her sugary sigh of contentment a confirmation that she feels the same way I do..

Something is happening between us..
It can't just be me..

"I don't know when I'll get to see you again, Peaches.." I swallow back my frustration, that I'd find the perfect woman, right before I have to leave..

Just my fucking luck..

"Thats easy, Puppy.." She coos, running her fingers through my hair, petting me, and putting my mind at ease.. "You'll see me again the next time you close your eyes, baby.. I'll be in your dreams.."

"Heh.. You're probably right about that.." I chuckle, shifting nervously as I tuck my hand into my pocket to find the small card with my assignment number.. "Ava.. I know I'm not supposed to ask you anything.. But this is kind of important, so maybe you can give me a pass.."

She tips her head curiously.. "Okay.. What is it?"

I slip the little card into her hand.. "I wanted to ask-- if you would write to me while I'm down there?.."

She chews the inside of her cheek thoughtfully as she looks down at the card with the address and my details.. "You really want me to?"

"More than anything.." I nod hopefully..

Her gaze softens on me, and her pouty lips turn up into a sweet smile.. "Yeah, Puppy.. I'll write to you.."

A grin spreads across my own face at what feels like a definite victory.. "Then I have something to look forward to.."

"God, Axle.. You're so fucking cute!" Giggling that silky soft sound that gives me shivers she pulls me back down to kiss her again..

We are so tangled up in each other that I don't even notice when we arrive at the parking gates to the base, until the cab-driver clears his throat.. "Ahem.. Thats $22.20.."

He taps the meter and Avalon giggles apologetically .. "Actually sir, could you keep the meter running, please?.. I'll be going back to the city, downtown.."

He cabbie nods.. "Not a problem, miss.."

We step out of the car and I take my duffle from the trunk as Avalon searches though her tiny little purse, fishing out what looks like a small silver coin.. "Here.. Take this.."

She hands it to me, the metal cool in my palm, I turn it over to see it isn't a coin, but a delicate Christian medallion pendant..

I'm not particularly religious, neither of my parents ever really speak about their beliefs, and mom always told me the three things you should keep to yourself are religion, politics and any opinions in between..

But then again, she's a lawyer, so I guess she would advocate pleading the fifth..

"What does this guy do?" I ask her curiously as I inspect the figure etched into the medallion..

She beams at me brightly.. "St Christopher is the patron Saint of travelers, he will protect you wherever you go.. He'll keep you safe.."

My chest warms.. "Oh.. In that case, I'll take him everywhere, Avalon.. Thank you.."

She shifts from one foot to the other, tensely.. "I need you to bring that back to me.. Okay?"

I nod, snapping to attention with a stiff salute and a wink.. "Yes, mam'."

She smiles, sweet, but sad.. "Good boy.."

Glancing at my watch to see that time is slipping away from us, a heavy lead weight sinks down over me, sapping away all that happiness Peaches and I had shared only hours ago.. "Guess this is it.. I really don't wanna say goodbye right now.. Shit.."

She wraps her arms around me.. "Let's not make it goodbye then.. Let's just say 'slán go foill'.. We will meet again, Axle"
She whispers the familiar Gaelic expression affectionately..

I kiss her with every ounce of passion I possess, one last time, mentally cataloging every single detail..

The softness of her lips on mine, the satin of her curls wound between my fingers.. Her dessert-like scent of peaches and cream..
The sweet taste of desire and the promise of something more, yet to be discovered..
"Slán abhaille.. Real soon, sweet Peaches.."



A note from the author..

Sweetie-pea's, these shorts are something entirely new for me, but I am having so much fun playing with their limitless potential and moving outside my usual structure..

Once again, I hope you enjoyed taking a peek into the future that some of my favorite characters help to create..

Dedicated to my badass bff, C.. Looks can be deceiving and only a lucky few know exactly how sweet you aren't!

Please lovelies, do let me know what you think in the comments, I am always so curious to hear your thoughts and opinions!

Much love, sweets. xx

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