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Sorry for the long long wait!

hope yall can forgive me.

     Shawns Pov

I'm not gone lie to you , I'm hella nervous & why ? Because I didn't even know he existed.

I'm just glad I got my two babies with me.

"You ready ? " Anastasia said coming to me.

I licked my lips , and kissed her cheek.

" Born ready baby " she smiled and I embraced her in my arms. "Please be safe" I snickered.

"When am I not safe , I mean I'm Shawn the most safest nigga you'll ever meet " she smacked her lips and folded her arms. 

"Okay okay I'll be safe I promise " she wrapped her arms around my neck and I held her tightly. 

" I love you .. and I mean it " I grabbed her arms and turned her around. " I love you to .. " Marco tapped me on my shoulder.

"Alright bro come on " I quickly kissed her and followed Marco to his car. "Now you know if you need us just scream " he laughed and I smacked my lips.

" Nigga I got this " he shook his head while snickering than drove off.  We pulled in front of his warehouse , and I got out. Since he said he wanted to talk to me , that meant I would have to deal with this shit by myself and since he's my father I must have his ways and his flaws.

Once I got to the front , two guys let me in an told me where to go. "Ah son we meet again" he said as I walked into his office. "Yeah now you got 20 minutes , and after we done Im taking Anastasia mom and dad so hurry this shit up" I sat down in a chair that was in front of him.

"You remind me of me when I was young " he sat down in his chair and told his boys to go.

"All I wanted to do was to have a relationship with you , father and son but look where it has gotten us ? To violence" I shook my head.

"Man you started this bullshit , now what the fuck you want because I know you dont even like me some come on nigga I dont have time for all these games" he clapped his hands and laughed.

   "You got me there son -"

"Dont call me that ever , Im not your son " I said interrupting him.

"Stubborn just like go damn momma" I stood up  , heading for the door but I stopped realizing that I still had to get Anastasia parents.

"I want your warehouse .... You can have the money , but I want it" I turned around.

"Thats all you want ? You such a grimmey ass bitch nigga , you know what you can have it ! Just give me her parents so I dont have to look at yo ugly ass face " He smirked and called one of his boys in.

"Go get the prisoners " He laughed and looked at me.

"Ya know son , you can learn a few lessons from me " I shook my head. "Like what how to be a fucked up father ? Nah I'm good ! I will never follow in your footsteps" with that , I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder.

"Come on son , we gone get his ass later " I turn to see Anastasia mom and dad looking in good shape , I took a deep breath as I followed them out.

Why did this have to happened ? I just lost everything . Everything I worked for , and I gave it up for my girl's parents , fuck that I must be going crazy or something.

                                                                         Once we got in the car , it was silent and I'm glad because I got to think right now. This not the real me , fuck ! man am I stupid or something ? I'm getting soft and I don't wanna become that and I'm not , so it got to be another way to get my shit back. My phone rang breaking me out my thoughts and I answered it. "Yo boss its some people here , the fuck is going on?" I cleared my throat. "Let them in , lets meet in 10 I got some news for yall" with that I hung up , not wanting to explain myself. I seen King look at me out of the corner of my eye.

All I can think was fuck.

Once we pulled up , I got out the car. Anastasia was outside and she ran to her mom once she got out. I went inside , grabbing  Layla. "Bro what's going on" I told Layla to put her shoes on.

"I got to go to the warehouse , I just lost everything I worked for King ! I've been working on that for years , and I'm about to get it back I don't care if I die trying" with that I grabbed Layla and walked out. "Where you going?" Anastasia said stopping me. "I'm going out , I might not be back for a couple of days" I walked around her and got in to the car , wanting to go back and just hug her but my gut was telling me not to let her get to me. Face it , relationships aren't for me , I already got to take of Layla and I just gave up my whole entire life. First mission , I have to go talk to my mom.

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