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| just cant stop dancing and |

- Anastasia Pov -

I moved my hips to the music as Bella played "Can't Stop Dancing " she was laughing her ass off.

" Oh my gosh stop "she held her stomach and I started laughing with her.

" I can dance " I clapped my hands to the beat and started moving my feet. We heard a knock on the door and Marco came in.

" Turn that down ! " I shook my head and stopped when she changed the song. I looked at her and she smiled. " I'm about to play yo song " I folded my arms "That was my song " she smacked her lips and I looked at Marco.

" Come on let's dance " I try to grab his hand , but he pull away. When I heard the beat to the music I threw my hands up.

" This song so fucking stupid " he sucked his teeth. " Club going up ! " I turned around and pinch his cheek , I continue to dance around him.

" On a Tuesday , got chu girl in the cut and she choosaay " I started laughing and I flopped on the bed. King came in behind Marco , he licked his lips.

" You about to come dance for me " Bella covered her face and nodded. She threw me her phone and walked out. " Y'all nasty! " Marco shook his head and laughed.

" Be ready in ten " I nodded.

" I love you brother " he smiled and walked out the door. " I said I love you jerk ! " I yelled folding my arms.

" I love you to damn " he said coming back to the door. Good he better love me , I signed as I layed on the bed so much have been happening this week. Was I ready to even see my dad if he was alive ? He said that he couldn't take care of me anymore.

I know Marco is doing so much , trying to take care of the business. I don't think he wants to be a drug lord it isn't really Marco's occupation.

" Alright Ana come on we heading out " I got up off the bed and shook my hair.

"Where's Shawn " Bellaa shrugged.

"King told me he had to take care of something " I nodded my head.

          -Shawn's Pov-

" Come on baby " Stacey grabbed my arm and I pushed her away.

" Your a liar , where is my daughter bitch " she laughed and licked her lips. " I like when your mad " she got up and came behind me.

" Its a turn on " she touched the belt of my pants and I walked off.

" Don't call my phone again hoe ! And call me when my daughter get here ! Or I'm coming here and beating yo ass " I grabbed my keys off the table and slam the door as I walked out.

" Fuck ! " I yelled

This is too much on my plate. My phone started to ringed " Baby  " I answered the phone " Wassup baby  ? " Anastasia  coughed and I got in the car.

" Where you at ? " I looked at the time , damn.

" I'm on my way , I'll be there don't leave me " I heard her laughed. " I won't I promise "

- Short Chapter !

I know sorry loves. I will be updating again either today or tomorrow. Thanks for the votes , make sure you comment also .

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