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Anastasia Pov.

"Your a fucking liar " he laughed and sucked his teeth. "So stubborn just like your mom" he pulled my moms hair and kissed her cheek. My dad try getting up , but his side hutted to bad.

"Its okay baby" my mom said , she mean mugged him and pull away.

"Why don't you just tell me where my son is ? So I can take him with me and I can leave y'all alone heh ? " I held Layla tightly tightly. He can't not find out that she's his granddaughter.

                    He shook his gun in the air. "He's not even here you stupid bitch !" Bella said.

I looked at her crazy. " Bella what are you - " she cut me off than she started pacing while messing with her hair.

"I'm tired of all these thugs , and wanna be thugs and people trying act thugish ! Y'all ain't shit , go get a job. And if you wanted to find yo son you stupid bitch ! There's a thing called a phone , call him !" She stopped pacing and stood her ground firm.

      Shawn's dad chuckled. " I like you" he licked his lips. "I like you very much" he rubbed his hands together.

" Well we hate you " I said. He chucked again and pointed to his guard. " Mommy , mommy , mommy " I rocked Layla back in forth and buried her head in my neck. Shawn's dad looked at her.

"And who do we have here?" He started walking to us and I backed up. "None of your business" he looked at my dad.

"I didn't know you had a granddaughter , wow isn't this some news boys ?" His boys laughed and he started clapping his hands.

"Stay the fuck away from my daughter " we turn heads to see a pissed off Shawn , Marco and King.

"And stay the fuck away from my girlfriend !" King cocked his gun. "And stay the way from my sister" King and Shawn looked at Marco.

"Bitch!" They nodded they heads. "That's more better , see because you needed a little something at the end to know that we ain't playing " Marco nodded his head.

"Baby stop ! " Bella said. They got back focused and walked toward us.

"Son , just the person I was looking for" Shawn's dad spread his arms out.

"I don't have a dad , sorry nigga " he walked over to me and Layla slowly as he still had his gun up. "Daddy , daddy " Layla reached for him and he kissed her forehead. She layed back on my shoulder and Shawn kissed me on my cheek.

King walked passed Shawn's guys , and ran to Bella.  "Isn't this just sweet , a happy family... " he laughed.

"I just wanna talk to you son ... That's all I wanna do " Shawn rubbed his chin. "Alright give me 20 minutes" he nodded and snap his fingers. His guys grabbed my mom . " Mami ! " I put Layla down and ran to her , but of his boys stopped me.

I felt hands around my waist. "Don't fucking touch her !" Shawn said to the guy. "Come baby , look you gotta be strong " he whispered in my ear. I felt my tears roll down my cheek .

" I love you , be strong Anastasia" He took my mom after she said those words... My dad went right with her.

"Gosh I'm so stupid" I turned around and fell into Shawn's arms. I couldn't stop crying , I couldn't stop blaming myself, I couldn't stop hating the fact or thinking that I won't see them again.

Shawn held me , and he never let me go. Soon enough Layla , Bella & King joined us. And Marco stood there anger in his eyes , he never let his feelings out like I did.

                "What are we gonna do ?" .....

Lord help us please.

-short chapter ...

- sorry , y'all probably hate me.
I just wanna thank all the peoe that's reading this and voting yall make me so happy. I be so hyped all the time.

But I'm thinking about a sequel I don't know... Okay bye.

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