Chapter 1

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'Get out! Get out!'
'Pack you bags and leave - head for the air port and i never want to see you again!

I woke up with a jolt. Sweat beads lay
on my forehead as I sat, and reluctantly let the tears roll down my cheeks. The first night in my dorm and the nightmares have started already.


Just brilliant.

I started here at ETU yesterday and still havnt met my room mate. What are your bets shes one of those girls out partying everynight, messing around with every guy possible and-

'Im so sorry i didn't wake you did I!?'

A tall, green-haired girl came stubling through the door, paper flying everywhere and arms overflowing with unruly books and endless folders. I stared at the dizzy girl wide-eyed and rather dumbfound. She coughed slightly and i quickly snapped out of my momentary trance.

' Im Emma.'

The girl quickly shoved all her posesions under one arm, dropping several on the way, and reached out to shake my hand violently after a quick sweep of her messy hair.

'Tamara so nice to meet you! Welcome to ETU I will be your new room mate!'

Well. She seems...friendly.

I slowly pull my hand out and look up to see her huge, plasterd grin quicky fall.

'Im so sorry this must be a terrible first impression!' She giggles. 'I just came back from my boyfriends frat house and had to carry all my stuff back over. His car broke down yesterday so he helped me walk but his mum called and he had to dash...soo here i am! On my own!'

She quickly turned to grab a look in the mirror i put up last night and began vigerously raking her fingers through her hair. With out thinking i quickly reached out to grab her hands.

'Honestly. Its fine.'

We both giggle together and I can already tell we'll get along great! She sighs and turns to look at the huge pile of scattered books on the floor.

'Right, lets get this lot cleaned up then...'

I stifle a laugh and crouch down to help. A few moments of silence pass before the sound of my new friends voice breaks it.

'So hun, where you from? You have quite a distinctive accent i must say!' She chuckles.

'Im from London - well more  like Surrey kinda area. I moved here just yesterday.'

'Great! Well welcome to America sweetie, Im sure well have great fun!'

With a quick wink she walks over to her bed on the right side of the room. I sigh and turn away from the girl

'I sure hope so..' I mumble quietly to myself.

Thoughts of back home threaten to make their way back into my mind and i quickly push them away.

This is going to be an interesting year...

Okay guys thanks sooo much for bothering to read this! I honestly dont blame you if you didnt get as far as this A/N but hay if ur still reading this now then you did so...yay! I have lots of ideas for this book and i really hope it works out! This is probably a really short chapter but im still getting used to writing hahah!
Thanks loves!
- Em x

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