Chapter 10

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My body jolted violently as my head caught up with reality. I was having my first kiss. With an idiot!

Panic suddenly set in as I realised I had no clue what to do. His lips were still moving on mine but I still hadn't responded.

First kiss, better make it a good one eh? My subconsiousness betrayed me again and my mind was taken over.

My hands reached around his neck trying to bring him as close as humanly possible. My lips moved feverishly against him sending electric waves all the way through my body.

No. I did not just say that.

Despite my efforts to stopped my body kept begging for more. My hands reached into hid curls, pulling and tugging, being rewarded by a rumbling moan from Harry's soft lips.

His teeth grazed against my bottom lip before pulling it in between them begging for access. I don't know what I was thinking but granted him feeling his toungue push dominantly around my mouth.

'Oh. My. God. Em. Shit.' The line of curses left his mouth in between rough kisses.

We broke away to breath before I was being dragged by his large hands up the fraternity stairs.

He reconected with my lips the instant we got to the top and bust open the door backwards with his boot, his lips never once leaving mine.

We fell backwards onto the bed, me on top of his strong torso.

'Fuck. I. Need. You.'

He started to tug at the hem of my dress before giving up and ripping it off altogether leaving me just in my underwear.

My head finally caught up.

What was I doing?

I shoved violently at his chest to avoid him coming in for another kiss and scrambled off him to reach for my dress.

'What the hell Em!? Come back!'

His hand reached for my elbow but i pulled away sharply.

'No harry get the fuck away from me!'

'What the hell did I do!?' I could sense the anger and confusion bubbling inside him and I knew if I had any chance I had to leave now.

I headed swiftly for the door but he was to quick and i was spun round to face a shirtless Harry.

'Get the fuck off me!' I seethed.

'Not untill you tell me what the hell I did!'

'You fucking kissed me thats what!'

'You wern't moaning 2 minutes ago!' His eyebrows were now knotted into an angry frown and his fingers dug into my arms painfully.

'You're hurting me.' My voice came out as a weak whisper and he let go.

His hands reached his face as he turned away from me to walk further into the room.

'Fine!' He shouted through his hands, while waving one at me from behind. 'Fucking leave I don't care! It's not like a fucking kiss means anything anyway.' Their was a hint of uncertainty in his voice but it was fully masked by spitefullness and anger.

I walked towards the door defeated. As I turned back his comment suddenly registerd and I felt a sudden rush of anger hit me again.'

'Not to a fucking player anyway.' My voice was calm despite being said staight through my teeth.

I expected that to be the last words but I was wrong.

In a second Harry was dangerously close to my face his fists balled at his side.

'No Em! Not to fucking anybody! A kiss means nothing!' He screamed in my face.

'Well it does if its your fucking first!' I shouted back just as loud.

Shit. He wasn't meant to know that!

'What?' His face was suddenly taken over with a quiet and anxious expression as he stepped away slowly.

'I-I was your. Your first kiss?' He stumbled over his words and I was confused as hell by his sudden nervousness.

'Yes Harry you were. So way to fucking go.'

And with that I left, slamming the door at full force into an anxious and emotional Harrys face.

So much for a fun night.

Heyy guyss!! Another update yayy!! I hope you liked it and please comment if you have anything to say I love reading an responding to them! I love you all so much and thank you all soo much for reading and spreading the word! Thanks loves!
-Em x

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