Chapter 14

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Memories flooded back as soon as I woke up. I could still feel Harry's strong arm wrapped around my waist and hear the heavy breathing in my ear. My head was still again his chest and my back was pressed right up against his chest. In fact we hadn't moved at all since falling asleep last night. The sight of drunk, broken Harry entered my mind again and my feelings for the boy holding me strenthend even more. My thoughts are interupted by the arm around me starting to move. I took this moment to turn around and face him as his eyes started to flutter open.

'Good morning sleepy.' I cooed. Harry let out a hum with a smile starting to play on his lips. His eyes were soon shut again. I thought back to last night and had a sudden idea.

I leant over carefully and planted a soft kiss to his lips. Just like last night his eyes shot open and he became very awake.

'That woke you up!' I giggled, a huge smile on my face.

'If that's how you're gunna do it you can wake me up any time you like love.' He spoke, his accent thick and his voice deep and raspy.

Mm morning voice.

A boyish grin was also plasterd on his face and I started to giggle again. I honestly can't remember the last time I felt this happy.

'Right,' I started, begining to climb out of bed. 'Tiimme to get ready for schoooll..' I spoke drawing out the vowels on the words I knew he'd hate the most.

'But I'm comfy' he whined.

When I continued to move he just groaned and moaned and played up like a 5 year old. I started to laugh again.

'Harry come on you big baby!' I said playfully giving his arm a slight nudge. I squealed loudly when his arm lashed out quickly and pulled my by my waist back onto the bed.

'Harry! H-harry!' I tried to shout in between my fits of laughter from his fingers tickling my sides. 'Harry! Harry p-please!' He stopped momentarily and let go of my sides.

'Tell me you love me.' A smug smirk now sat firmly on his lips and he was certain he'd won. I leant forward close to his face just enough to tease him into believing his victory.

'Never.' My voice came out as a playful whisper and I took this chance to dart of the bed and start to run to the bathroom.

'That's it!' I heard Harry jump out of bed just as quickly as I had. Loud footsteps were heard behind me and just as I thought I'd reached the bathroom a large hand grabbed my elbow and spun me round to face a large, dark-eyed Harry.

Dressed in just boxers.

I gulped loudly waiting for Harry's next torturous move. Before he could do anything the door burst open to reveal a shocked roomate and an even more shocked friend.


Haha sorry clifhanger!! I wrote this last time I updated and forgot to publish lmao sorry. I really apologise Im such a bad author and i always forget to update so yeah oops. Anywayy...thanks loves!
-Em x

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