Chapter 11

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Harrys P.O.V

I was her first kiss?

Her first fucking kiss!?

Shit Harry way to fucking go.

Fuck even her words are in my head now.

If I had known she'd never had a kiss before I wouldn't have been such a selfish idiot. And the way I spoke to her afterwards...

God I'm such a fuck up!

'It's not like a fucking kiss means anything anyway!' Ugh even I know that was a lie. I must come off so shallow. I know I have a reputation for it.

Find a girl, dance, kiss, fuck, leave.

No feelings, no ties nothing. And that was just so fucking easy! But her - Emma - just something about her makes me want to kill her and fuck her sensless at the same time. Ugh what the hell do I do now!?

Before I can give it a second thought I rush out the door, still dragging my t-shirt on. My eyes scan the sea of people to find that red dress.

Shit. That hot, fucking sexy - No Harry! Not the fucking time.

My eyes finally land on a quick moving, lost looking figure clad in a tight red dress.


I rushed down the stairs taking them 2 and 3 at a time towards the girl I had imprinted on only a couple of minutes before. I should have guessed by the way she acted she'd never been kissed before - but at fucking 18 who hasn't!?

Her obviously.

'Em! Please wait!'

She turns quickly looking scared before her eyes harden and her face falls into a scowl.

'No Harry I told you! Just leave me alone!' She screams at me from a metre in front but I'm not going to give up this easily.

'Please Harry. Just go.' Her voice is suddenly weak and all I want to do is cuddle her until her hurt disapears.

Going soppy now are we? Damn you subconsionce.

I realise he's right and let go of her arm.

'Yeah fine. You made it clear you hate me. Maybe I should have been clearer too.'

I stalk off and head straight for the bar. As long as i'm pissed by the end of tonight I don't give a shit about anything else.

'Can I help you?' The snobby guy behind the frat bar asks. Who even looks after a bar at a frat house!? For gods sake just let them get pissed. It's free anyway.

'Just give me that damn bottle of vodka.'

The prick doesn't move.

'Now!' I practically growl.

He leans over and chucks the bottle at me. I turn on my heel to head back to the swarm of cheap, skanky girls.

'You're welcome.'

Fucking snob.

I down the first quater of the bottle and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and watch as a slutty-looking girl trys her best to catch my attention. I give up and walk over, my hand still wrapped protectivly around the bottle.

'You only have to ask love.' I whisper seductivly into the little whores ear.

With another swig of the vodka I press myself against her and let the alchohol take over.

Hi guyss!! Okay so this is a short insite into what Harry is feeling! I know it's kind of confusing but hes meant to be shady and confusing so deal with it. I hope you enjoyed it from a different POV and yeahh! Thanks loves
- Em x

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