Chapter 7

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It was only a half hour when Hardee arrived and Jade went to go get some shopping for her dorm. The time spent with the flew by and it wasn't untill 3:00 that i realised i had missed 2 of my classes.

'Shit guys, classes!'

'Oh my god...' We all tried to stiffle the giggles trying to escape our lips.

'Would should we do?' The whole situation made me laugh but the realisation of missing classes on my first day started to set in.

'Well I only have 1 class left so bearing in mind I have only attended 1 class today I think I'll call in sick or something. They don't really care here to be completely honest.' Tam suggested with a light shrug.

Hardee nodded in agreement.

'Yeah I think I'll do the same. Niall will be finished soon then we can go back with him.'

'Yeah sure, sounds fine.'

Chemistry sure made me feel sick so it's a legit excuse i suppose...

'Great!' Tam practically sqealed. 'What time is Ni coming Hard?'

'I'll text him now. His last class finishes at 4 I think but I wouldn't be supprised if he bunked the lazy  fuck.'

'Hey!' Tam scolded her friend. 'That's my boyfriend your talking about.' She added with a playful smack on Hardees arm.

'Im joking!' She giggled. 'Plus he's my best friend I'm allowed.' She sticks her tounge out playfully at her friend.

I cough awkwardly at the pairs fued.

'Oh Em yeah sorry.' Tamara giggles. 'Right hardee, call Niall. Now.' Her smile is evident.

'Fineeee.' Groaning Hardee dialls her best friends number.

'Niall? Yeah it's me.'

'Put it on speaker idiot.' Tamara remarks at her friend.

'Fucking sherlock!' Nialls thick-accented voice rings through the phone speaker and Tam's eyes immedietly light up, despite the rude tone of his voice.

'Yeah okay. Where are you?'


'Jesus Niall quit with the sarcasm and answer me.'

Hardees outburst suprises me and soon Niall's voice returns to the sweet boys he spoke with when I first met him.

'On my way to biology, why? Whats up?'

'We're bored and gunna miss last class. Come pick us up? Please?' The tone of her voice is suddenly sweet and innocent as she pulls out the 'e' in please.

'Who's us?' He questions curiously.

'Your girlfriend, Emma and I.'

'You're with Tam?' His voice becomes excited and full of hope.

'Yeah baby she is.' Tam shouts from behind me.

'Great I'll be over straight away. Bio sounds shit anyways. Which room you guys in?'


'Okay I'm coming now.'

'Thanks, see you in a minute.'

'Kay bye.'

Hardee hangs up the phone and sits on the bed.

'He'll be here soon.'

'Really? Sorry I must have missed your full-volume convosation.' I remarked sarcastically.

'Woahh' Tam giggles loudly. 'Not so shy now are we?'

'Better get used to it.' I reply with a playful wink and we all burst in to laughter.

Our laughing is inturupeted by a loud knock on the door and Tam darts eagerly to open it.

'Hey babe.' Niall embraces his girlfriend from the other side of the door. 'You guys ready to go?' He directed it towards his girlfriend but I decided on replying anyway.

'Yeah, let's go.'


The walk to Niall's car was short, but without a coat the breeze was chilly. He must have noticed Tamara's discomfort and wrapped his jacket around her shoulders.

'Thank you.' Her voice is barely a whisper as he hugs her tight from the side.

My new friend and I watch in adoration from behind.

'I'm really glad they found each other.' Hardee remarks. 'This past year has been so much better with them together.

'That's how long they've been going out?'

'Yeah, my Lou introduced them beginning of last semester.'

My mind travels back to my first encounter with the girl beside me and I remember the dark-looking but friendly boy she was with.

'Louis seemed nice.'

'Yeah he's perfect. We've been dating just over 8 months now. Not ages but we're getting more stable by the day. He treats me so well. I really do think I love him.'

'Have you told him that yet?' Curiosity over the couple gets the better of me.

'2 weeks ago. He took me out and told me. I knew I felt the same and returned the gesture, telling him I also loved him.'

'That's so cute!' I gush. 'I'm starting to feel really alone now!' I chuckle.

'Don't worry,' Hardee also laughs. 'I'm sure we'll find you someone.' She pauses momentarily before a smirk starts to play on her lips. 'You know, I heard that Harry's currantly free...'

'No. Never.' I retaliate firmly.

She laughs even more.

'I'm joking, I'm joking! Seriously though, don't think I missed you staring at him yesterday.'

'I was not - ugh' i groan and bury my face in my hands. 'Why is everyone saying that?'

'Because it's true.' She simply replys with a smug smile.

'I have to sit next to him in chem. I can already tell he hates me.' My words become almost a huff as I continue. 'Granted, I don't like him either but still. He's so rude and obnoxious.'

'Woah tiger, calm it.' She replys with wide eyes and a playfull smile.

'Just get in the car.' I half laugh.

We climb in and ride to Niall's frat. It was the furthest from my dorm I had travled since I had arrived there, and I was looking forward to a change on scenery.

'Here we are.' Niall remarks as we pull up. He gets out quickly and holds the door open for his girlfriend before draping his arm around he waist.

We walk inside and meet Lou almost immediately.

'Hey Em!' He waves frantically.

His girlfriend gives an unimpressed cough.

'Hey baby.' He sweetly greets. She falls into his hug and is forgiven.

Another group of people come to join us and I keep my fingers crossed I will not have to face the curly haired boy.

Not tonight.

Hiya guyss!!! So sorry I havn't updated in 2 days I have just been soo busyy! Soo Ive tried to make this extra long and Ill try to update again tonight! Ily all!! Thanks loves
- Em

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