Chapter 15

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'What the hell is going on here!?' Janakas voice came out almost as a shrill as she eyes Harry and I. Tamara stood still and silent, her eyes wide and her mouth gaping open. I had to admit it looked bad. I hated this guy even yesterday and now here I was having a tickle fight with him after waking up with him holding me.

'I-I um. Well..'

'Jesus Harry! What the hell is wrong with you!? You play so many girls and treat them like shit as soon as you leave! 3 girls last night! You slept with three girls! And now here I find you practically naked in my dorm with my best friend! Your so sick! Get out!' I had expected the outburst to come from the dark skinned girl at the door but it had been quite the opposit. My bestfriend stood just inches away from Harry's face, bright red and breathing so heavy I was certain she'd use up all the oxygen left in this small room. The words she had just just said suddenly registerd in my mind...I was just one if many. I was nothing special to Harry at all. He's been playing with me.

Of course he has.

I pulled away from Harry's grip suddenly sickend by his touch.

'Em I-'

'Just leave Harry. She told you to leave.' My voice came out as barely a whisper. I still had my back to him and I couldn't bring myslef to look around. I heard movement behind me as I stay in my same position, arms still wrapped around my own waist, and my head bowed down.

I jumped as I heard a loud slam of the door and then...nothing. Guilty silence filled the room. What seemed like hours passed before I felt a small hand rest on my shoulder. I flinched away automatically and returned to my previous position.

'Emma I'm so sorry.'

'It's kay.'

'It's not, I shouldn't have lost it like that but he was using you! Do you not see that?' My anger bubbled as the patronizing tone of her voice started to get to me.

'Well of course I fucking see that now!' I practically spat at her, turning quickly to look at her face. 'I know that now after my morning has been totally fucking ruined because someone can't keep her fucking mouth shut!'

'Em, ple-'

'No Tam don't. I don't give a shit as to what you have to say to me. Im so pissed right now and I can't be dealing with shitty apologies okay!?'

I pushed past the green-haired girl and walked out the door. I had no clue where on earth I was going, hell I was still in my pyjamas, but right now I honestly don't care. I just need to get as far away as possible.


4 hours.

4 fucking hours, wandering alone and lost, drenched from the rain and no one to call.

I can't believe I was so horrible to Tam. I wasn't even really mad at her, I was mad at Harry. Mad at Harry for being a total utter douchebag and for drawing me in like he did. He knew exactly what he was doing and exactly how to get it.

Well better luck next time buddy.

'Hey! Hey are you okay!?' I spun to try and locate where the voice was coming from. My eyes landed on a brunette girl maybe a year or two older than me, with an umbrella held in my direction.

'You must be freezing, why are you out like this?'

'I..I dont know.' The meaning of my words hit me and all the emotion I had been building up in the last 4 hours spilled out as I broke into a fit of sobs. The pretty stranger ran quickly to me and engulfed me in a warm hug as I cried into her arms.

I finally began to stop and pulled back to wipe my eyes.

'My name's Caroline. I work just round the corner at the coffee shop. We'll go get you warmed up yeah?'

'Yeah, thanks. Emma by the way.' She gave me a small smile and held the umbrella over us as we walked to the small cafe.

A wave of heat blasted me as we opened the doors and Caroline sat me down whilst she made some coffee for the two of us.

'So Em,' she began as she sat down. 'You from round here?'

'Im kind of lost but I think so. Well not origionally. I'm from London but I moved her a few weeks ago.'

'Ah that's cool. Where abouts is it that you live then?' Her smile was warm and genuin and I trusted she was honestly trying to help.

'Im staying at ETU.'

'ETU? Great my cousin goes there he loves it! He's in his 3rd year now and he's loved it so far! Funnily enough I was just on my way over to see him...would you like a lift up there?'


'Yeah sure.'

'Oh my gosh that would be so great thank you!'

'Li doesn't stay on campus, he lives just outside, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind you staying a bit before we get you to your dorm!'

'Are you sure? I really don't want to intrude!'

'Of course hun! He wont mind at all...the more the merrier he always says!' She ended with a hearty chuckle as we sipped our coffee in the empty shop.


'Right then here we are.' After about a 40 minute drive we arrived at a small but modern looking house just a few roads from the campus entrance.

We made our way up to the front door and she unlocked it with the key she was carrying in her pocked.

'Li! Liam! You in?'

'Yeah two seconds caro!' A loud voice carryed down from the stairs that sounded strangly familiar.

Probably just a boy i share a class with or something.

Loud footsteps soon came bounding down the stairs followed by another, before stopping abrubtly.

'Em?' I froze in my place instantly recognising the second voice. Looking up I saw Liam from the party, and next to him the face I hoped I wouldn't be seeing in a very long time.


Okay hiiii! Hii guys!! Im sick and so thought I would be bothered to update lmao. Im really shit at writing long stuff soo sorry butt yeah hope u enjoyed it i gues! Thanks loves!
-Em x

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