Chapter 9

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The night was filled with alchohol, smoke, sweat and a whole lot of base. It was disgusting really.

Thats why you dont belong here stupid. My snobby subconsiousness dares to add.

Gradually the group slit off to spend their time with their partners and friends, untill I was left with just Tamara and Niall.

I excused myself to the bathroom as the tension became awkward and when I returned they had left me.

Fucking brilliant.

I was obviously way too pissed off to think straight because before I new it my feet were carrying me right into the dancing bodies.


Looking around all i could see was a blur of coloured lighting and sweaty bodies. I gasped as I felt a large arm rap around the front of my torso and a mass of weight pressed against my back.

To hell with it.

I started to move my hips slowly to the rhythm of the music and gradually quickend my speed as the bass built up.

'Keep that up and you'll be upstairs before you know it.' The low voice growled in my ear.

I smile crept up onto my red-painted lips and I started to move harder and faster. I lifted my hands up to hold onto his neck behind me and everything seemed to slow down sucnificantly as my fingers touched small but thick curls at the nape of his neck.

Before I could register exactly what was happening fingers grabbed my hips and i was forcefully spun only to slam into the large boys chest. I froze and looked up only to see the one thing I thought Id managed to avoid tonight.

Emerald green eyes.

'Miss me love?' Harry growled into my ear once more. I tried to struggle out of his strong grip but that only caused him to strengthen it more.

'Harry I swear to god, I do not know you but if you hate me as much as you passivly claim you will let me go this second and you pretend this never happened.' My anger built as I growled through my teeth into his ear.'

'Fiesty. I like it.'

Okay. Plan B.

'I know you hate me so quit pretending. Let. Me. Go.' I tried to struggle out of his grip once more but his hands still showed no signs of loosening.

'Babe when did I ever say that I hated you?'

'I can just tell.'

He was fucking pushing it now.

'Well you obviously can't 'cause that couldn't be further from the truth.'

And with that his lips crashed forcefully against mine.

First kiss to an arsehole.

Way to go genius.

Hi guyss!! I know that my chapters are short and I apologise deeply for that but hey. Get on with it. My wattpad has been playing up and not letting me update so Im so sorry for not updating as much as I said i would but this is yesterdays and I will be updating again later. Thanks loves!
-Em x

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